How to Move Forward in Your Life in the Direction of Evolution for You and for the World

by Guru for God
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Maharishi teaches that a Meditation Practice which transcends the relative field gives the experience of Pure Consciousness, the experience of your Self.

Transcending the relative field leaves your Self to experience ItSelf by ItSelf.

That experience of Self, of Pure Consciousness, transforms your mind and your physiology in the direction of evolution.

All your desires, thoughts and actions move towards spontaneous right desires, thoughts and actions.

Right actions in the direction of evolution get the support of Natural Law for fulfillment.

Your life is lived with more happiness and fulfillment.

The influences of Pure Consciousness in your transformed mind and physiology radiate out into the Universe, bringing harmony and evolution for all of Creation.

The most powerful way to move forward in the direction of evolution for you and for the world is to develop your Meditation Practice.

Transcend regularly and repeatedly.

Rise to right action and evolve to Higher States of Consciousness.

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