Karma Keeps All of Creation in the Stream of Evolution to Higher States of Consciousness.

by Guru for God
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The Sanskrit word Karma means action.
The Law of Karma governs all actions to ensure that everything and everyone remain in the stream of evolution.
The Law of Karma states :
As you sow, so shall you reap.
As human beings we have thoughts.
These thoughts often lead to desires.
Then we perform actions to fulfill our desires.
The consequences of those actions, or the fruits of those actions, are determined by Natural Law.
The influences of your actions radiate out into the Universe and strike against everything.
At some point those influences will return to you:
They leave deep impressions in your mind.
These impressions lead to other thoughts, other desires, and other actions.
This is how Creation is evolved:
Through actions and consequences of actions;
Through all the activity here in the relative field.
The purpose of the Law of Karma is to keep all of Creation in the stream of evolution:
All human beings in some lifetime will experience Higher States of Consciousness.
Perhaps in this lifetime you desire to meditate with a practice that transcends the relative field:
To experience your Self by ItSelf referring to ItSelf;
Your Self That is Divine Being.
With repeated and regular referring to your Self in your Meditation Practice, you rise to That status of Divine Being;
To That status of Universal God.
Now you are freed from the bondage of Karma:
The influences of actions no longer leave deep impressions on your mind that lead to new actions.
You must live out the Karma you came into this lifetime with, but there will be no new Karma created for future lifetimes.
You are freed from the cycle of birth and death.
You are established in your Self.
You know your Self as separate from all the activity here in the world.
You no longer perform action.
You know all actions are performed by Natural Law.
This is the purpose of our lives as human beings:
To rise to That status of Divine Being;
To expand our happiness and fulfillment.
Do your Meditation Practice regularly and transcend repeatedly.
Rise to That status of Divine Being in this lifetime now.
Be your Self.

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