Karma Shifts with Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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When you enter this particular lifetime, you bring some of the store of Karma with you;
Karma that has been built up over your many lifetimes.
The Karma you bring with you must be lived out in this lifetime now.
But there is a way to influence it to unfold with better possibilities.
Karma is the Law of Nature that governs the evolution of all of Creation.
Karma unfolds with reference to Wholeness:
To Wholeness That is Divine Being.
Karma unfolds with reference to That Wholeness, and also with reference to what has come before:
To the consequences of your past actions.
You make decisions in your life on how to act based on your thoughts and desires.
But the consequences of your actions are not in your control.
The consequences of your actions are determined by the Law of Karma to ensure that you and all of Creation remain in the stream of evolution.
So you have no control over the consequences of your actions that are going to come back to you as your Karma.
But you can influence your Karma to return with better possibilities.
When you transcend the relative field in your Meditation Practice, you experience That Wholeness of Divine Being.
That experience of Wholeness shifts your Karma.
That experience of Wholeness transforms your mind.
Your mind’s thoughts and desires, and the actions that you take, will be more life supporting for you and for all of Creation.
The things you think and want and do will be more in the direction of evolution.
This brings the support of Natural Law to fulfill your desires.
You get more of what you want and need in this lifetime now for your happiness and for your fulfillment.
When you transcend the relative field in your Meditation Practice, the experience of Wholeness is going to shift your Karma that unfolds with reference to Wholeness.
Karma is the supreme Law of Nature that governs the evolution of all of Creation.
When your Meditation Practice allows your Karma to unfold in a better manner:
You benefit your own life;
And you benefit all of Creation.
Develop your Meditation Practice.
Transcend the relative field regularly and repeatedly.
Shift your Karma to its best possibilities.
Enable the best possibilities for everyone.

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