Maharishi Illuminates the Teaching of the Ancient Vedic Masters with His Commentary on the Bhagavad-Gita

by Guru for God
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Since the beginning, the Lord has manifested as a human being with full realization of Godhead.

This is Personal God.

The times, the evolution of the people and the place determine how the Lord manifests.

The form of the Lord’s teaching corresponds to that particular place in time, with that particular consciousness of the people.

For this reason, different religions have different interpretations of the Lord’s teaching.

But the root of the teaching and the Lord remain unchanged.

Universal God is Divine Being.

Divine Being underlies the relative field;

Underlies all of Creation.

The source of Creation, and its finest constitution is Divine Being.

In a meditation practice that transcends the relative field, your Self, Divine Being, is left by ItSelf to experience ItSelf.

There is no consciousness of the relative field.

Pure Consciousness alone is the Self-referral of Divine Being.

Maharishi teaches about Personal God and Universal God with His commentary on the Bhagavad-Gita.

Lord Krishna advises Arjuna on how to get the best result for his battle, and how to get the best results in his life.

Lord Krishna instructs Arjuna:

Be without the three gunas.

This means to transcend the relative field;

To go beyond the consciousness of the ever changing subtle energies of Creation;

To experience the Pure Consciousness That is Divine Being, the Consciousness of your Self.

Lord Krishna continues His instruction of Arjuna:

Be established in your Self;

Be established in the Consciousness of Divine Being;

Hold two states of Consciousness simultaneously:

Consciousness of Self along with consciousness of the relative field.

This is the first stage of Enlightenment.

Lord Krishna goes on to instruct Arjuna in the art of devotion to and service of the Lord.

Being established in your Self allows the love of God to grow, the love of your Personal God.

For Arjuna, Lord Krishna is his Personal God.

But for others, the Personal God might be Buddha, or Christ or any other fully realized human being as Godhead.

First be established in Divine Being, in Universal God;

Know who you are.

Then cultivate the love for your Personal God;

Fully realize that love and devotion in God Consciousness, the second stage of Enlightenment.

In God Consciousness, you are unified with the Lord.

The Lord unifies that which was separate:

Consciousness of Self and consciousness of the relative field.

These two are unified in Consciousness of God alone.

The Lord is everywhere and everything,

all of the relative and all of the Absolute.

Maharishi instructs us:

Be your Self.

Be Enlightened.

Gain God Consciousness.

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