Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Is My Guru

by Guru for God
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Maharishi offers the world techniques of Meditation to experience Pure Consciousness;
And He offers teaching to understand what Pure Consciousness is.
Maharishi teaches that there are two Realities of life:
There is the Reality of the relative field, the created world we live in that is ever changing, manifest, bounded by space, time and causation, and full of activity.
And there is the Reality of the Absolute Field, That never changes, is unbounded, unmanifest, eternal and silent.
That Absolute Field, Pure Consciousness, is your Self.
The techniques that Maharishi gives allow you to transcend the relative field in your Meditation Practice and experience Pure Consciousness, Bliss Consciousness, That is the essential constituent of the created world.
When you have a Meditation Practice with a technique that allows you to transcend, then the experience is Pure Consciousness That is your Self, left by ItSelf referring to ItSelf.
The experience of Self leads to Enlightenment.
Along with That experience, you need to understand the teaching of Maharishi in the tradition of the Ancient Vedic Masters:
Your Self is completely separate from all the activity of the relative field.
Your Self is Pure Consciousness, Bliss Consciousness, That is Divine Being.
When you transcend regularly and repeatedly in your Meditation Practice, in time you will gain Enlightenment.
Maharishi defines Enlightenment as holding two States of Consciousness at the same time:
Consciousness of the relative field, the waking, dreaming or sleeping;
Alongside Pure Consciousness, Divine Being That is always yours.
You know your Self to be completely separate from the activity of the relative field.
Enlightenment brings wonderful things to your life.
Being in tune with Natural Law when Enlightened, brings support for fulfilling your desires.
You get more of what you want to bring you happiness.
Your every thought, desire, word and action are completely in harmony with Natural Law, supporting your evolution and the evolution of all of Creation.
Now your actions are the actions of Natural Law fulfilling the needs of Natural Law.
You gain permanent Union with Universal God That is Pure Consciousness, That is Divine Being.
This is the teaching of my Guru:
Anyone anywhere can gain Higher States of Consciousness.

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