Maharishi Teaches How to Live Heaven on Earth

by Guru for God
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We have many different lifetimes as human beings.
The purpose of these lifetimes is to evolve to Higher States of Consciousness.
The evolution of our lifetimes is interspersed with time spent on the astral planes in the heavenly spheres.
Sometimes there is deep rest for the individuated consciousness on the astral planes in between lives as a human being.
With more evolution to Higher States of Consciousness, the lifetimes on the astral planes in the heavenly spheres are more active.
These lifetimes are much longer and happier than lifetimes here on the terrestrial plane as human beings.
You may have a faint memory of your lifetimes spent on the astral planes;
It might be a faint feeling of the fullness and peacefulness of those lifetimes in the heavenly spheres.
Maharishi teaches that there is a way to bring those feelings of fullness and peacefulness here into our lifetimes as human beings.
He teaches that with a Meditation Practice where you have a technique that allows you to transcend the relative field , the experience is of Divine Being;
Divine Being That is your essential nature, left by ItSelf to experience ItSelf referring to ItSelf.
The experience of Divine Being comes back with you when you return to your experience of the relative field;
When you return to the consciousness of waking, dreaming or sleeping.
That experience of Divine Being brings you more of the feelings of the peacefulness and fullness of that faint memory you have from your lives in the heavenly spheres.
Your mind and your physiology in this lifetime now are infused with the experience of Divine Being.
That repeated experience of Divine Being in your Meditation Practice transforms you.
You rise to That status of Divine Being ItSelf:
You hold the Consciousness of Divine Being alongside the consciousness of the relative field.
You are established in Divine Being That is your Self.
Now your every experience in the relative field is alongside the experience of Divine Being.
This is living Heaven on Earth.

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