Maharishi Teaches That All Action Is Performed By Natural Law

by Guru for God
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All action is performed by Natural Law;

By the unfolding of the Vedas;

The Vedas that manifest as all of Creation.

The surface value of your identity here in the relative field:

Your name, your family, your profession, where you might live;

All of these are governed by the Laws of Nature, governed by the Law of Karma.

The Law of Karma states:

As you sow, so shall you reap.

The consequences of your past actions determine your present circumstances;

Determine your current thoughts and actions.

The purpose of the Law of Karma is to keep every element of Creation, every human being, in the stream of evolution,

throughout the many lifetimes and the many experiences here in the relative field, here in the infinity of Universes.

All action is performed by Natural Law, governed by this Law of Karma, so that the Lord’s will may be expressed:

That every human being shall gain higher States of Consciousness as a consequence of actions during lifetimes here in Creation.

This is our purpose as human beings:

To rise to That Status of Divine Being;

To gain Enlightenment where you hold two states of Consciousness simultaneously:

The Consciousness of Divine Being at the same time as consciousness of the relative field.

Maharishi teaches:

Be on the highway to higher States of Consciousness.

Do your Meditation Practice regularly;

Transcend the relative field repeatedly;

Experience Divine Being That is your Self.

Then return to the relative field, to the consciousness of waking, dreaming or sleeping.

Enjoy the natural harmony that the experience of Divine Being brings to you and to your surroundings.

All action is performed by Natural Law;

Because you, as Divine Being, act not.

Be Divine Being;

And know that all action is performed by Natural Law.

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