Manifest Abundance in Your Life with Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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What is abundance?

Real abundance is a state of mind, a state of contentment.

Maharishi teaches that the Self, the unbounded, unmanifest, eternal state of Wholeness that underlies the created world, is Bliss Consciousness.

When you transcend in your meditation practice, you experience Bliss Consciousness.

This experience infuses your mind and physiology and brings more contentment to your life.

It also brings more support of Natural Law to fulfill your desires.

When, through repeated experience of Bliss Consciousness, you become permanently established in the Self, your desires are even more supported by Natural Law and they are no longer binding.

You are free from the wheel of Karma.

This is the first stage of Enlightenment.

It naturally leads to the desire for God Consciousness that unifies the Self with all the relative planes of Creation.

This is the goal of life.

This is real abundance.

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