Meditation Benefits Your Mind, Your Physiology and Your Surroundings.

by Guru for God
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Maharishi teaches that the most beneficial Meditation Practice is a practice that transcends the relative field.
The relative field is the created world that we live in.
We experience it with the consciousness of waking, dreaming or sleeping.
We experience it with our minds, our bodies and our senses.
The experience when you transcend the relative field in your Meditation Practice is of the Field of the Absolute:
The Field of Pure Consciousness That is Divine Being.
The experience of Divine Being with Its power, intelligence and energy infuses your mind and your physiology;
It changes the quality of your vibrations that influence the surroundings of your life.
When you settle down in your Meditation Practice, the mind is traversed from the surface level of thought, down through the mind to the deeper more powerful levels where thoughts begin.
Finally, all thought is transcended.
The experience is of Divine Being.
The traversing of the mind on the way to the Transcendent allows you to have more of the capacity of the mind available to you.
There is less sub-conscious mind and more conscious mind.
You have access to deep powerful levels of the mind.
Your thoughts are more powerful to accomplish your goals in life.
Transcending the relative field in your Meditation Practice brings a different state to your nervous system.
It gains the state of restful alertness.
This is a state of great restfulness, but you are not asleep.
The Consciousness is Pure Consciousness.
The Consciousness is of Divine Being.
Divine Being is the source of the entire relative field.
That experience of Divine Being transforms you in the direction of evolution.
Your vibrations become more life supporting for your surroundings.
You bring more harmony and peacefulness to your surroundings, including your relationships.
These benefits of your Meditation Practice bring great improvements to you on all levels:
On the level of the mind;
On the level of the health of your physiology;
And on the level of your relationships and your surroundings.
There is a greater ability to get what you want in life.
You get more support from Natural Law because your desires move towards serving the needs of Natural Law to evolve all of Creation.

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