Meditation Refines Your Thoughts, Words and Actions to Bring Evolution to the Universe

by Guru for God
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Maharishi teaches that your every thought, word and action influence the entire Cosmos.

Your mind is a projection of Consciousness.

Your physiology and senses are projections of your mind.

And the five Vedic elements, earth, water, fire, air and space, are projections of your senses.

The entire Universe is a projection of your mind.

You influence all of Creation according to your particular vibrations.

How can you transform these vibrations that manifest as your mind and physiology to be of the finest quality, such that the influence you bring to the Universe is in the direction of evolution and in accordance with the Laws of Nature?

When you transcend in your meditation practice, you experience your Self, Divine Being.

This transforms the vibrations that manifest as your mind and physiology into more life supporting vibrations.

Eventually, with repeated transcending, your mind and physiology are so transformed that you can hold two states of Consciousness simultaneously: the Transcendent and waking, dreaming or sleeping.

You know your Self as separate from the relative world.

This is the first stage of Enlightenment.

Now, every thought, word and action that you bring to the Universe will reverberate with the most evolutionary influence for all of Creation.

As your Consciousness continues to evolve, you will gain God Consciousness.

Maharishi says that in God Consciousness, your every thought is a flower at the feet of the Lord;

Your every word a prayer;

And your every action an offering to God.

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