Natural Law Governs the Evolution of All of Creation.

by Guru for God
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Natural Law emerges as vibrations, or sounds, from the Field of the Absolute That is Wholeness.
These sounds emerge in a sequential manner:
With reference to the sound that has come before;
And with reference to the Wholeness of the Absolute.
Mantra, Brahmana;
Sound, gap between the sounds that is Wholeness.
These sounds of Natural Law manifest Creation by collapsing into energies and matters of the infinities of universes.
It is the function of Natural Law to manifest Creation;
To maintain Creation in the stream of evolution until its fulfillment;
And to dissolve Creation.
Creation emerges from Wholeness;
Evolves through Wholeness;
And dissolves in Wholeness.
This is the course of the evolution of all of Creation.
The sounds of Natural Law are collected in the books of the Vedas:
Ancient texts cognized by ancient seers.
Maharshi teaches that it is not the meaning of the sounds that matters;
It is the sounds themselves.
The sounds collapse into matter;
The sounds govern the evolution of Creation.
This is the function of Natural Law:
To create and to keep all of Creation in the stream of evolution until its fulfillment.
We human beings have many lifetimes.
These lifetimes are all governed by Natural Law to ensure that we evolve to Higher States of Consciousness.
In some lifetime, you begin a Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field of Creation;
That goes beyond the relative field.
Then the experience is of That Wholeness, of Divine Being That is your Self.
That experience of Divine Being transforms you:
Transforms your mind, and transforms your physiology, bringing great evolution to move you forward in your life.
The Transcendent, the experience of Wholeness, is Union with Universal God;
Universal God That is Wholeness.
In time with repeated and regular transcending in your Meditation Practice, Union with Universal God is permanent.
You are established in your Self.
You hold That Consciousness of Self alongside the consciousness of the relative field.
This is Enlightenment.
It is gained in some lifetime as a human being.
Enlightenment leads, through devotion, to God Consciousness, the fulfillment of life.
Natural Law ensures that all of Creation evolves to its fulfillment in God Consciousness.

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