Guru for God
It’s all good because it’s all God
The purpose of many lifetimes is the evolution of Ahamkara, the individuated Consciousness, such that we experience all there is to experience as a human being, good things and bad things. When you meditate regularly you will be unfolding your best possibility for happiness and fulfillment in this lifetime right now. God Consciousness is living the knowledge of the Lord as everywhere and everything, and living the experience of the Lord as everywhere and everything. All of creation is a manifestation of the Lord. It is all God. The purpose of being a human being is to gain God Consciousness. […]
Different ways of understanding Enlightenment
There are different ways of talking about Enlightenment. Enlightenment is holding two states of Consciousness at the same time: the Transcendent along with waking, dreaming, or sleeping. Enlightenment brings a feeling of being separate from the created world. You identify yourself as the individuated Consciousness, not as your mind and physiology. How Karma unfolds and how that changes in Enlightenment. Enlightenment brings support of Natural Law to fulfill desires. Do your practices regularly to cultivate Enlightenment and enjoy its many benefits.
Introduction to Guru for God: the world is ready for God Consciousness
Meditation cultivates Self Referral: the experience of referring to one’s Self. The knowledge about Self Referral along with the experience of it, brings happiness and fulfillment. The world is ready for God Consciousness. Discussion of the different states of Consciousness. All of the created world is a manifestation of God. DNA expresses itself differently according to one’s lifestyle. Karma expresses itself differently according to how often one meditates. How to gain the best possibility for happiness and fulfillment for oneself and for the world.
The Laws of Nature: the Laws of Nature evolve all of creation
The Laws of Nature are sounds or vibrations that manifest the relative planes of existence, and govern the evolution of all of creation. They unfold sequentially with reference to what has come before and with reference to the wholeness of the Absolute. The Laws of Nature evolve all of creation from wholeness , through wholeness, to wholeness. We are all the same thing, Ahamkara, the individuated Consciousness, manifesting again and again in life in the course of evolution. Vedic Knowledge teaches that each of us has many lifetimes to experience all there is to experience as a human being. We […]
Yoga: Yogasanas are a very important preparation for meditation
Yogasanas are a very important preparation for meditation. They enliven the chakras and strengthen the energetic connections in the physiology and mind. Do at least four yogasanas before meditating in this order: a side bend, a back bend, a spinal twist and a forward bend. Develop the feedback loop between the physiology and the transcending of the mind. The more your body is lined up energetically, the more effective is your practice of meditation.
Pranayam and Nadi Vigan
Pranayama and Nadi Vigyan are important preparations for meditation, settling the mind and physiology. Demonstration of Pranayama, alternate nostril breathing. Perform Pranayama with the finest breath possible such that you cannot hear the breath. Repeat cycles of alternate nostril breathing for five minutes, and end the cycles breathing in through the right nostril. Nadi Vigyan follows Pranayama. Nadi Vigyan is Ayurvedic pulse reading. There are three pulses: the Vata, the Pitta and the Kapha. Demonstration of Nadi Vigyan. Have the intention of bringing balance to the pulses when you practice Nadi Vigyan. Practice Nadi Vigyan for at least twenty seconds. […]
The Interactive Nature of Guru for God
We are all the same thing: manifestations of the Lord evolving through our many lifetimes towards higher states of Consciousness. The purpose of meditation is to give you experience of higher states of Consciousness. The purpose of Guru for God is to give you knowledge about higher states of Consciousness. There is an interactive quality of Guru for God: the site seeks your comments and questions about the knowledge in order to develop future presentations. We are all governed by the Laws of Nature: all our interactions are determined by Karma unfolding. Get your best possibility of Karma: do your […]
Mantra for God Consciousness
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