Guru for God
Change Is the Opportunity for Evolution
Change can be very uncomfortable. We are going through a period now of tremendous change with COVID-19. The virus is changing our world; Changing how we go about our lives; Changing our interactions with people. What is the purpose of change? Change is the opportunity to evolve to Higher States of Consciousness. The purpose of Creation is to rise to its fulfillment in perfection. The purpose of change is evolution. All evolution is governed by Laws of Nature. Natural Law keeps all Creation, all of the infinities of Universes, in the stream of evolution towards Higher States of Consciousness. The […]
God Realization Evolves in Different States of Consciousness.
Maharishi teaches that God is realized first on the level of Being; Then on the level of feeling; Next on the level of thinking; And finally on the level of the senses. Here in the world, we have the consciousness of the relative field: The consciousness of waking, dreaming or sleeping. God is not realized with consciousness of the relative field. God is hidden or covered by all the activity here in the world; And by all the thoughts of your mind. God is first realized in the Transcendent, on the level of Being, as Universal God. When you have […]
Karma Shifts with Your Meditation Practice
When you enter this particular lifetime, you bring some of the store of Karma with you; Karma that has been built up over your many lifetimes. The Karma you bring with you must be lived out in this lifetime now. But there is a way to influence it to unfold with better possibilities. Karma is the Law of Nature that governs the evolution of all of Creation. Karma unfolds with reference to Wholeness: To Wholeness That is Divine Being. Karma unfolds with reference to That Wholeness, and also with reference to what has come before: To the consequences of your […]
Duality Changes as Consciousness Changes
Here in the world, we have the consciousness of the relative field. We are either waking, dreaming or sleeping. This consciousness of the relative field is full of duality; Full of the pairs of opposites: Hot and cold; Near and far; Great and small. The relative field is a world of multiplicity full of duality. Consciousness of Self, however, is the Consciousness of the Absolute Field of Unity. There is no duality in Pure Consciousness. When the relative field is transcended in your Meditation Practice, the experience is of Self; The experience is of the Unified Field, Pure Consciousness. In […]
All Your Practices Matter
Your spiritual nature, your mental nature and your physical nature are all interdependent and interrelated. The individuated Consciousness projects your mind; And your mind projects your body. This is the intimate relationship among them: All are projections of Consciousness. There are practices to promote the health of your different natures. For your physical nature: Eat proper food. The Indian Science of Ayurveda can instruct you regarding the foods that suit your particular constitution. Get enough rest and sleep. Exercise regularly. Practice Yoga to unwind your physical imbalances. The more your imbalances come into balance, the more content your mind is, […]
God Is Not Other; God Is Your Self
Religions hold that God is other. Maharishi teaches, in the tradition of the Ancient Vedic Masters, that God is your Self. Atma is the Sanskrit word for Self. Atma is the Field of the Absolute That underlies the created world. Atma is never changing; It is unmanifest and unbounded; It is eternal. The relative field of Creation, on the other hand, is always changing; It is manifest with phenomenal appearances; It is bounded by space, time and causation. We experience our relative world with the consciousness of the relative field; The consciousness of waking, dreaming or sleeping. The consciousness of […]
Your Self Creates Your World
Your Self, Atma, is the Field of the Absolute. It is the Field That never changes; It is unmanifest, unbounded and eternal. It is the Field of Divine Being. Your Self manifests your mind; Your mind manifests your physical body; Your five senses manifest the five elements that make up the Universe. There are infinities of possible Universes with all the lively possibilities of the Field of the Absolute. Your mind creates the particular circumstances of the particular world that will evolve your Consciousness; Evolve your mind; And evolve your physical body. The purpose of Creation, and the purpose of […]
Have Faith in Your Meditation Practice
Sometimes you can feel that you are plateauing in your Meditation Practice. It is important to have faith: To have faith in the experiences that you have when you meditate, and how they affect your life for the better; To have faith in Maharishi’s teaching about the Meditation Practice; And to have faith in God. Having faith in God protects the heart and the mind. When you feel that you are plateauing in your Meditation Practice, have faith. Know that everything is always evolving, even if it does not feel that way. Your practices are evolving and transforming you even […]
Surrender in Unity Consciousness
The first surrender to God is the transcending of the relative field in your Meditation Practice. It is the experience of Universal God in the Consciousness of the Transcendent. In time, with repeated and regular transcending in your Meditation Practice, surrender to Universal God is permanent. The Consciousness of Self, of Universal God, is held alongside the consciousness of the relative field, alongside the consciousness of waking, dreaming or sleeping. God is lived here in the world. Consciousness continues to develop with the practice of devotion to your Personal God. In time, the consciousness of the relative field is of […]
Surrender in God Consciousness
The first surrender to God is in your Meditation Practice. It is the transcending of the relative field; It is the gaining of the Consciousness of Universal God. In time, you are established in That surrender; Established in Universal God even as you experience the relative field. Universal God is impersonal. It is Divine Being. As you permanently live Universal God here in the world, Devotion grows to your Personal God. Your Personal God may be Krishna, or Buddha, or Christ, or Muhammad, or Maharishi, or any other fully realized human being. Now the practice is devotion to your Personal […]