by Guru for God
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There are two realities of life: the relative field of the created universe and the unmanifest, never changing, unbounded and eternal Absolute field of Pure Consciousness that underlies all of creation.

How can we experience this Pure Consciousness that is our Self?
Transcend in your meditation practice.
Transcend the relative field of life and the Self experiences ItSelf by ItSelf. Your Self.

This is the experience of Pure Consciousness.

When you return to experience of the relative field, feelings of contentment, abundance and peacefulness permeate your life and radiate out in waves across the universe.

The more you experience your Self, the more your mind and physiology are transformed until you can hold two states of Consciousness at the same time: your Self and waking, dreaming, or sleeping.

This brings about the best unfolding of the Karma you came into this lifetime with, for happiness and fulfillment.

And you give the world its best possibilities.

We are all the same thing:

Manifestations of our Self.

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