Seek the Happiness Within You That Is Your True Nature

by Guru for God
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All good things come to an end.

Something that brings you happiness can change, as everything here in this world changes, and come to an end.

If you seek happiness that lasts, then you should look within.

Your mind and your physiology are projections of Consciousness:

Projections of your Self.

The nature of Self is bliss Consciousness;

Is Consciousness of Divine Being That never changes, is unbounded and eternal.

That experience of happiness is within you.

When you have a Meditation Practice with a technique that allows you to transcend the relative field;

To transcend the relative field that is always changing;

Then you are left by your Self to experience the bliss Consciousness of your Self by your Self.

Experience of bliss Consciousness returns with you when you return to experience of the relative field, bringing you feelings of the blissfulness of Self.

Regular and repeated experience of Self in your Meditation Practice transforms your mind into the very nature of That blissfulness of Self.

Now the bliss of Self Consciousness is held at the same time as consciousness of the relative field.

You know your Self as separate from the relative field with its always changing activity.

Established in your Self, you witness the joys and sorrows of the world that always come and go.

You remain established in the bliss Consciousness of Self.

This is the way to seek happiness in your life, happiness that is never changing, and blissful in its nature:

The bliss of union with the Divine.

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