Serving God by Experiencing Pure Consciousness, Your Self, in Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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Throughout time there have been many ideas about the way to serve God.

How do you know what the best way to serve God is?

The best way to serve the Lord is to know the Lord.

This is accomplished by transcending in your meditation practice and experiencing Divine Being, your Self.

Returning to experience of the relative field brings you feelings of contentment, peacefulness and abundance.

These feelings radiate out into the universe influencing all of us and everything.

This is the way to serve the Lord.

When you have regular and repeated experience of the Transcendent, your mind and physiology rise to That status.

You are established in your Self.

You know your Self as Divine Being.

Then all your actions are supported by the Laws of Nature and are in the direction of evolution for you and for all of Creation.

This is the way to serve God.

Rise to That status of Divine Being.

Glorify the Lord’s Creation.

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