Steadiness Comes from a Steady Intellect Established in the Divine

by Guru for God
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Being steady in the face of all the changes in the world that we live in, is something to aspire to:
To be able to keep your balance in the midst of change.
How do you gain this kind of steadiness?
When you transcend the relative field in your Meditation Practice, you experience the Transcendent That is your own Self, referring to ItSelf by ItSelf.
The experience of the Transcendent transforms you;
Transforms your mind and your physiology.
You become more of an observer;
An observer of what is happening around you.
There is more distance between what is happening and you.
The observing quality allows you to not get so enmeshed in the goings on of the world.
You remain more steady.
This is the steady intellect.
The steady intellect is developed by regular and repeated transcending in your Meditation Practice.
Your mind is so transformed that it can hold two states of Consciousness at the same time:
The Consciousness of the Divine That is your Self along with the consciousness of the relative field.
This is being established in your Self.
Your steady intellect knows it is separate from all the activity of the relative field;
Your steady intellect knows it is Divine Being.
That anchor of Divine Being enables you to have the steadiness here in the world;
Enables you to let the Lord’s will be done.

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