Surrender to Your Guru for the Most Evolution of Consciousness

by Guru for God
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There are many different levels of surrendering.

If you want help from someone to move forward at work or in your personal life, choose your teacher and surrender to your teacher to gain the most for your advancement.

At the same time that you surrender to your teacher, you hold on to your self referral.

Self referral allows you to know whether you are benefiting from the teaching.

This is the way to gain the most from your teacher.

There are deeper levels of surrender.

If you want to experience higher states of Consciousness, surrender to the Guru who gives you the technique and the teaching to experience these higher states of Consciousness.

Find this Guru using your best instincts and analysis of the evidence available to you, as to why this Guru is your best choice.

Surrender to your Guru to get the best experience of higher states of Consciousness.

And never surrender your self referral.

There is an even deeper level of surrender.

Surrender yourself to your Self, Divine Being, in your Meditation practice.

Transcend your mind and experience your Self.

Surrender completely to your Self.

This is Self referral, referring to your Self, Pure Consciousness.

With enough Self referral, you are able to hold two states of Consciousness at the same time:

Consciousness of Self along with consciousness of the relative field: waking, dreaming or sleeping.

You are established in your Self.

This is the first stage of Enlightenment.

But there is an even deeper level of surrender.

Surrender to God.

Surrender your Self and surrender the entire relative field to God.

This is God Consciousness.

Your awareness is of God alone.

Surrender to the Lord.

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