consciousness meditation / 9 posts found

Higher States of Consciousness Are Gained with Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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We are all familiar with the states of Consciousness of the relative field: Waking, sleeping and dreaming. There are , however, higher states of Consciousness that a human being is able to gain. The first higher state of Consciousness is the Transcendent. Transcending the relative field in your meditation practice brings experience of the Transcendent, experience of your Self. Your Self is left by ItSelf to experience ItSelf. Your Self is Being, the Transcendent, the field of the Absolute. There is no experience of the relative field, no waking, sleeping or dreaming. Repeated and regular experience of the Transcendent cultures […]

The Now, Unbounded by Time, is Pure Consciousness, Your Self, the Experience of the Transcendent

by Guru for God
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The timeless Now is none other than Pure Consciousness, your Self, Divine Being. This is the experience of the Transcendent. There is a systematic way to experience Pure Consciousness . Transcend the relative field in your meditation practice. Experience the unbounded, never changing, unmanifest field that is the source of all of Creation, that is your Self. This experience of your Self comes out into your experience of the relative field. It transforms your mind and physiology. It brings you your best possibilities for happiness and fulfillment. If you desire to be in the Now, then transcend regularly and repeatedly […]

Experience God in Your Meditation Practice. Consciousness of Divine Being is your Self

by Guru for God
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God the Divine Being is experienced when you transcend in your meditation practice. The Divine Being of God purifies your mind and physiology. There is so much purification that Maharishi teaches transcending is like being reborn when you return to experience of the relative field of life. Divine Being, the Lord, is what underlies the created, relative world. All the relative field is the Lord, manifesting as created life. Transcend the relative field regularly in your meditation practice to directly experience God. Eventually you will be able to hold the state of Consciousness of Divine Being at the same time […]

Experience the Duality of the Unity of Divine Being and the Diversity of Creation – Guru For God

by Guru for God
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The relative world of creation is a world of duality with many pairs of opposites. It is a field of great diversity. Our minds, physiologies and senses are so busy experiencing this field of diversity that our own nature of Divine Being is hidden and obscured. Divine Being, our Self, is a field of unity. The ultimate pair of opposites in duality is the unity of Divine Being and the diversity of creation. The unity of Divine Being is experienced in your meditation practice when you transcend. The subjective experiences from transcending of unity, peacefulness and abundance infuse your mind […]

Know Your Self in Your Meditation Practice: Pure Consciousness That You Are – Guru For God

by Guru for God
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There are two realities of life: the relative field of the created universe and the unmanifest, never changing, unbounded and eternal Absolute field of Pure Consciousness that underlies all of creation. How can we experience this Pure Consciousness that is our Self? Transcend in your meditation practice. Transcend the relative field of life and the Self experiences ItSelf by ItSelf. Your Self. This is the experience of Pure Consciousness. When you return to experience of the relative field, feelings of contentment, abundance and peacefulness permeate your life and radiate out in waves across the universe. The more you experience your […]

How Meditation Leads to Spontaneous Right Actions by Developing Awareness of Consciousness

by Guru for God
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How can we do the right thing in life? As my Guru teaches, there is a way to develop spontaneous right action in harmony with all the Laws of Nature, action that upholds your evolution and the evolution of all. Be established in your Self when you act. Be Enlightened. Hold two states of Consciousness at the same time: your Self and waking, sleeping or dreaming. Take advantage of this lifetime. Meditate, transcend, experience your Self and become established in your Self. Then all your action is spontaneous right action leading to the realizing of God Consciousness.

Who is God? God Unifies Never Changing Consciousness with the Ever Changing Relative Plane of Life.

by Guru for God
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By the grace of God, the Laws of Nature emerge from Absolute Pure Consciousness to create the relative plane of life and govern all that is created. The highest form of creation is we human beings. By the grace of God, we human beings evolve to higher states of Consciousness: To Enlightenment, where the Self is separate from the relative plane of life. To God Consciousness, where the Lord is perceived on the level of the senses as celestial Being everywhere and everything. God is cognized on the level of feeling by a cultured heart flowing in love. The separation […]

Develop a Practice of Gratitude to God for the Gift of Higher States of Consciousness

by Guru for God
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We don’t always acknowledge gratitude to God even when things go well in our lives. We are all manifestations of the Lord. Gratitude is developing your relationship with the Lord and being grateful to God. How do you feel grateful when things don’t go well? Sometimes difficult challenges in your life bring good changes. Unhappiness might motivate you to start a practice of Meditation. A deeper understanding is that everything that happens in our lives, good and bad, is governed by the law of Karma to ensure our evolution. The purpose of our many lives as human beings is to […]

Introduction to Guru for God: the world is ready for God Consciousness

by Guru for God
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Meditation cultivates Self Referral: the experience of referring to one’s Self. The knowledge about Self Referral along with the experience of it, brings happiness and fulfillment. The world is ready for God Consciousness. Discussion of the different states of Consciousness. All of the created world is a manifestation of God. DNA expresses itself differently according to one’s lifestyle. Karma expresses itself differently according to how often one meditates. How to gain the best possibility for happiness and fulfillment for oneself and for the world.