creation / 4 posts found

Explore the Faintest Level of Feeling That Is the Finest Field of Creation

by Guru for God
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Your feelings are finer projections of your mind than your thoughts. In your Meditation Practice, these feelings move from the grosser levels of feelings to the finer levels of feelings, to the faintest level of feeling. This is the interface of Consciousness and mind: The faintest level of feeling. When you transcend the relative field in your Meditation Practice, you go beyond relativity, beyond the faintest level of feeling. But the process of transcending itself traverses all the values of Creation, from the grosser surface values to the finer, more subtle values. Traversing the relative field allows the experience of […]

Being Your Self Is the Essential Constituent of all of Creation

by Guru for God
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Being is the essential constituent of all of Creation. Being is not of the relative field. Yet all the relative field is Being made manifest. Being is attributeless. Yet all attributes have their source in Being. Being is not realized by your mind. Being reveals ItSelf to ItSelf by ItSelf. And yet your mind is completely transformed by the experience of Being. It is the greatest mystery of life. Being, That Reality, manifesting as the world, this reality. Experience Being, your Self. Meditate, transcend, be Being.

What Is the Purpose of Life? Evolution to Higher States of Consciousness is the Purpose of Creation

by Guru for God
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What is the purpose of being in this world? We are all manifestations of the Lord. The purpose of life is evolution towards the knowledge of who we are; to realize our divinity and to see the Lord as everywhere and everything. Our purpose as human beings is to realize higher states of Consciousness. Our evolution towards higher states of Consciousness is governed by the Law of Karma. Karma unfolds with reference to what has come before and with reference to Wholeness, or Pure Consciousness. Any awareness, any expansion of Consciousness gained in any lifetime as a human being is […]

The Laws of Nature: the Laws of Nature evolve all of creation

by Guru for God
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The Laws of Nature are sounds or vibrations that manifest the relative planes of existence, and govern the evolution of all of creation. They unfold sequentially with reference to what has come before and with reference to the wholeness of the Absolute. The Laws of Nature evolve all of creation from wholeness , through wholeness, to wholeness. We are all the same thing, Ahamkara, the individuated Consciousness, manifesting again and again in life in the course of evolution. Vedic Knowledge teaches that each of us has many lifetimes to experience all there is to experience as a human being. We […]