for god / 21 posts found

The Field of All Possibilities Is Pure Consciousness, Your Self

by Guru for God
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Pure Consciousness, your Self, is a field of all possibilities. This Universe where we live is of the relative field. It is manifest, ever changing and bounded by space, time and causation. Pure Consciousness, on the other hand, is the field of the Absolute. It is unmanifest, never changing and unbounded. It is a field of all possibilities: all possibilities of an infinite number of universes evolving in an infinite number of ways. The possibilities expressed in any universe are all governed by Natural Law. The Law of Karma ensures that Creation remains in the stream of evolution. Pure Consciousness […]

Bliss Consciousness Is the Experience of the Transcendent in Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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Bliss Consciousness is not of the relative field. Bliss Consciousness is never changing; unmanifest; unbounded and eternal. It is Absolute in Its nature. The relative field, the world that we live in, is always changing; manifest; bounded by space, time and causation, and with beginnings and endings. It is relative in its nature. Bliss Consciousness is the experience of the Transcendent in your Meditation practice. It is the experience when the relative field is transcended. Your Self, Bliss Consciousness, is left by ItSelf to experience ItSelf. Transcending the relative field in your Meditation practice is not an experience of your […]

Higher States of Consciousness Are Gained with Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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We are all familiar with the states of Consciousness of the relative field: Waking, sleeping and dreaming. There are , however, higher states of Consciousness that a human being is able to gain. The first higher state of Consciousness is the Transcendent. Transcending the relative field in your meditation practice brings experience of the Transcendent, experience of your Self. Your Self is left by ItSelf to experience ItSelf. Your Self is Being, the Transcendent, the field of the Absolute. There is no experience of the relative field, no waking, sleeping or dreaming. Repeated and regular experience of the Transcendent cultures […]

The Secret of the Secret: Find Something That Works Better

by Guru for God
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The Secret, a short film, is about using your thoughts to bring about things that you want. This may work for some people some times, but only because it is in accord with the Karma each of them brought into this lifetime. There is a better way to fulfill desires than what the Secret proposes. All your thoughts and desires are unfolded by Natural Law, by the Law of Karma. The Karma you bring into this lifetime with you will determine which of your desires are fulfilled. To get the best expression of this Karma, develop a practice of meditation […]

Forgiving Is in Your Self Interest

by Guru for God
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When someone hurts you, it may bring anger, resentment or unhappiness. It is in your self interest to move through these feelings as quickly as possible and to forgive. Maharishi teaches that bad interactions with people are a result of your own past actions, your Karma, coming back to you. The more you can forgive people, the more you create good influences of Karma for future interactions. To put yourself in a position where you can more easily forgive, do your meditation practice. When you transcend the relative field in your meditation practice, you experience what underlies the relative field: […]

Purification Can Be Rough: Have Faith in Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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Sometimes external events, or even the unfolding of internal events, can bring roughness to your life. You may have feelings of unhappiness, fear or despair. Life can seem chaotic, cruel and violent. This is purification. Purification is necessary to refine and purify, so that something better may be experienced. In your evolution to higher states of Consciousness, evolution governed by Karma, there can be roughness at times, even with practices like meditation and yoga. The roughness is the difficulty integrating and metabolizing certain experiences. Maharishi teaches that having a practice of meditation where you transcend, minimizes the roughness in life. […]

A Response to Deepak Chopra’s Video You Are Not Your Thoughts

by Guru for God
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Deepak Chopra states in a video that you are not your thoughts. He says that your thoughts are influenced from birth by your circumstances, your parents and the culture where you live. There is truth to this statement, but it is a surface value level of truth. Maharishi teaches a far deeper and more profound truth. You are not the author of your thoughts, your words, or your actions. All thoughts, words and actions are governed by Natural Law. Natural Law emerges from the field of Being and vibrates, manifesting as the entire relative field, including your mind and physiology. […]

Unity Consciousness Is Defined Differently in Different Practices

by Guru for God
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In the practice of Advaita, Unity Consciousness is the Consciousness of Being as the only reality. The relative field and all of Creation is Maya: That which is not. In Advaita, Unity Consciousness is the Consciousness of the unity of Being as all that there is. Maharishi teaches that Unity Consciousness defined by Advaita is the first stage of Enlightenment: One knows oneself as separate from the relative field; One knows oneself as Being, as the Self; One knows that Being is the essential constituent of the relative field . In Maharishi’s teaching, there are two realities of life: The […]

Being Your Self Is the Essential Constituent of all of Creation

by Guru for God
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Being is the essential constituent of all of Creation. Being is not of the relative field. Yet all the relative field is Being made manifest. Being is attributeless. Yet all attributes have their source in Being. Being is not realized by your mind. Being reveals ItSelf to ItSelf by ItSelf. And yet your mind is completely transformed by the experience of Being. It is the greatest mystery of life. Being, That Reality, manifesting as the world, this reality. Experience Being, your Self. Meditate, transcend, be Being.

Serving God by Experiencing Pure Consciousness, Your Self, in Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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Throughout time there have been many ideas about the way to serve God. How do you know what the best way to serve God is? The best way to serve the Lord is to know the Lord. This is accomplished by transcending in your meditation practice and experiencing Divine Being, your Self. Returning to experience of the relative field brings you feelings of contentment, peacefulness and abundance. These feelings radiate out into the universe influencing all of us and everything. This is the way to serve the Lord. When you have regular and repeated experience of the Transcendent, your mind […]