for god / 21 posts found

The Now, Unbounded by Time, is Pure Consciousness, Your Self, the Experience of the Transcendent

by Guru for God
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The timeless Now is none other than Pure Consciousness, your Self, Divine Being. This is the experience of the Transcendent. There is a systematic way to experience Pure Consciousness . Transcend the relative field in your meditation practice. Experience the unbounded, never changing, unmanifest field that is the source of all of Creation, that is your Self. This experience of your Self comes out into your experience of the relative field. It transforms your mind and physiology. It brings you your best possibilities for happiness and fulfillment. If you desire to be in the Now, then transcend regularly and repeatedly […]

The Purification of Meditation Brings Life on Higher Planes in the Worlds of the Righteous

by Guru for God
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Maharishi teaches that when you transcend in your meditation practice, you experience your Self, Divine Being. This experience of your Self infuses, transforms and purifies your mind and physiology. With this purification, when you drop your body you have access to higher realms of existence, according to the level of your purity. These lives on higher planes are much longer and happier than our lives here on Earth. But you must come back to Earth to meditate and continue your evolution to Enlightenment. Whatever purity you gain from your meditation practice is brought into the next lifetime. Nature will ensure […]

Pure Consciousness, Your Self, Is the Source of All of Creation

by Guru for God
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Maharishi teaches that smaller than the smallest is bigger than the biggest. Pure Consciousness is the field that underlies all of the relative created field of life. Pure Consciousness, your Self, is the source of all of Creation, of smaller than the smallest and bigger than the biggest. When you transcend the relative field in your meditation practice, your Self is left by ItSelf to experience ItSelf, Pure Consciousness. This field of all possibilities comes out into your life here in the relative world. It brings you the best of your possibilities for happiness and fulfillment.

Meditation Refines Your Thoughts, Words and Actions to Bring Evolution to the Universe

by Guru for God
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Maharishi teaches that your every thought, word and action influence the entire Cosmos. Your mind is a projection of Consciousness. Your physiology and senses are projections of your mind. And the five Vedic elements, earth, water, fire, air and space, are projections of your senses. The entire Universe is a projection of your mind. You influence all of Creation according to your particular vibrations. How can you transform these vibrations that manifest as your mind and physiology to be of the finest quality, such that the influence you bring to the Universe is in the direction of evolution and in […]

Experience God in Your Meditation Practice. Consciousness of Divine Being is your Self

by Guru for God
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God the Divine Being is experienced when you transcend in your meditation practice. The Divine Being of God purifies your mind and physiology. There is so much purification that Maharishi teaches transcending is like being reborn when you return to experience of the relative field of life. Divine Being, the Lord, is what underlies the created, relative world. All the relative field is the Lord, manifesting as created life. Transcend the relative field regularly in your meditation practice to directly experience God. Eventually you will be able to hold the state of Consciousness of Divine Being at the same time […]

Your Intentions Matter. Meditation Brings the Best Outcomes of Action.

by Guru for God
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Maharishi teaches it is your intentions that matter. The results of actions are beyond your control. These results are governed by Natural Law to ensure the evolution of all of creation according to Karma. Karma unfolds with reference to what has come before and also with reference to Wholeness, to Divine Being. Reference Divine Being when you transcend in your meditation practice. This is the way to influence results of actions to be more in the direction of your intentions. Regular meditation practice brings about the best possibility of your Karma for happiness and fulfillment. It also brings the world […]

Experience the Duality of the Unity of Divine Being and the Diversity of Creation – Guru For God

by Guru for God
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The relative world of creation is a world of duality with many pairs of opposites. It is a field of great diversity. Our minds, physiologies and senses are so busy experiencing this field of diversity that our own nature of Divine Being is hidden and obscured. Divine Being, our Self, is a field of unity. The ultimate pair of opposites in duality is the unity of Divine Being and the diversity of creation. The unity of Divine Being is experienced in your meditation practice when you transcend. The subjective experiences from transcending of unity, peacefulness and abundance infuse your mind […]

How Meditation Cultivates Non-Attachment to Desires

by Guru for God
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Some practices put an emphasis on non-attachment to desires as a way to cultivate higher states of Consciousness. Maharishi teaches that non-attachment to desires is not a cause of Enlightenment. It is a result of Enlightenment. The mind unfolds naturally, governed by Natural Law. Thoughts lead to desires, desires to actions, and the results of actions leave impressions on the mind that engender new rounds of thoughts and desires. This is the unfolding of Karma. It keeps all of Creation in the stream of evolution. Being established in your Self, being Enlightened, brings real non- attachment to desires. The impressions […]

Who Am I? You Are Unbounded, Never Changing, Eternal, Infinite, Pure Consciousness.

by Guru for God
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Who am I? Your definition of who you are changes from childhood onward. At some point, you want to know who you are in a more profound way. We are all Pure Consciousness, not of this relative field of life. Pure Consciousness underlies all of Creation. It is the source of all of Creation. Pure Consciousness is unbounded, unlimited, infinite and never changing. The relative field of life, on the other hand, is bounded, limited, finite, always changing. You are Pure Consciousness. There never was a time when you were not. There will never be a time when you are […]

How to Manifest What You Want by Going Beyond the Mind and Harnessing the Power of Natural Law

by Guru for God
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There are systems that advise you to focus your mind on something that you want. Instead, learn to harness the power of Natural Law to manifest what you want. Natural Law creates the Universe, evolves the Universe and dissolves the Universe. It is the power source of all power sources. Harness this power through the practice of transcending in your meditation. Experience Pure Consciousness, the unbounded, never changing, eternal source of all creation. Transcending brings power to your mind and physiology, the power of Natural Law to support manifesting what you want in your life. Gain the support of Natural […]