god consciousness meditation / 3 posts found

Higher States of Consciousness Are Gained with Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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We are all familiar with the states of Consciousness of the relative field: Waking, sleeping and dreaming. There are , however, higher states of Consciousness that a human being is able to gain. The first higher state of Consciousness is the Transcendent. Transcending the relative field in your meditation practice brings experience of the Transcendent, experience of your Self. Your Self is left by ItSelf to experience ItSelf. Your Self is Being, the Transcendent, the field of the Absolute. There is no experience of the relative field, no waking, sleeping or dreaming. Repeated and regular experience of the Transcendent cultures […]

Disrupting Consciousness to Transform Conscious Mind to Rise to That Status of Being

by Guru for God
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Your mind is a projection of Consciousness. Mind can be transformed to rise to That level of Consciousness. Your conscious mind is what you use to process all the information coming from your experience of the relative field. Deeper subconscious parts of your mind are not always available to you. When you have a practice of meditation that transcends the relative field, then your Self is left by ItSelf to experience ItSelf. Your experience of Self, of Being, comes out into your mind’s experience of the relative field; And the experience of Being, of the Transcendent, actually disrupts the conscious […]

Who is God? God Unifies Never Changing Consciousness with the Ever Changing Relative Plane of Life.

by Guru for God
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By the grace of God, the Laws of Nature emerge from Absolute Pure Consciousness to create the relative plane of life and govern all that is created. The highest form of creation is we human beings. By the grace of God, we human beings evolve to higher states of Consciousness: To Enlightenment, where the Self is separate from the relative plane of life. To God Consciousness, where the Lord is perceived on the level of the senses as celestial Being everywhere and everything. God is cognized on the level of feeling by a cultured heart flowing in love. The separation […]