god guru / 85 posts found

Experience God in Your Meditation Practice. Consciousness of Divine Being is your Self

by Guru for God
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God the Divine Being is experienced when you transcend in your meditation practice. The Divine Being of God purifies your mind and physiology. There is so much purification that Maharishi teaches transcending is like being reborn when you return to experience of the relative field of life. Divine Being, the Lord, is what underlies the created, relative world. All the relative field is the Lord, manifesting as created life. Transcend the relative field regularly in your meditation practice to directly experience God. Eventually you will be able to hold the state of Consciousness of Divine Being at the same time […]

Your Intentions Matter. Meditation Brings the Best Outcomes of Action.

by Guru for God
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Maharishi teaches it is your intentions that matter. The results of actions are beyond your control. These results are governed by Natural Law to ensure the evolution of all of creation according to Karma. Karma unfolds with reference to what has come before and also with reference to Wholeness, to Divine Being. Reference Divine Being when you transcend in your meditation practice. This is the way to influence results of actions to be more in the direction of your intentions. Regular meditation practice brings about the best possibility of your Karma for happiness and fulfillment. It also brings the world […]

Experience the Duality of the Unity of Divine Being and the Diversity of Creation – Guru For God

by Guru for God
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The relative world of creation is a world of duality with many pairs of opposites. It is a field of great diversity. Our minds, physiologies and senses are so busy experiencing this field of diversity that our own nature of Divine Being is hidden and obscured. Divine Being, our Self, is a field of unity. The ultimate pair of opposites in duality is the unity of Divine Being and the diversity of creation. The unity of Divine Being is experienced in your meditation practice when you transcend. The subjective experiences from transcending of unity, peacefulness and abundance infuse your mind […]

Why Are We Here? To Experience Divine Being and Rise to That Level in Our Life

by Guru for God
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We are here to experience Divine Being, our very own nature, our Self. There are two fields of experience: the relative, created field that we experience with our mind and physiology; and the field of Divine Being that is unmanifest, unbounded, eternal and never changing. Divine Being is experienced when the relative field is transcended in your meditation practice. With regular transcending, your mind and physiology are transformed to rise to that level of Divine Being, to be established in That. This is the destiny of all human beings and why we are here: To hold two states of Consciousness […]

Transform Subconscious Mind to Conscious Mind with Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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Your subconscious mind is at a deeper level of your mind than the surface value of thinking. Deeper levels of thought are more powerful. How can we uncover the subconscious mind and transform it to conscious mind? Transcend in your meditation practice. Your thoughts go from the surface value of the mind down through deeper levels of the mind, where thoughts are more subtle and powerful, until all thought is transcended. The Self, Pure Consciousness, is left by ItSelf to experience ItSelf. Contentment, abundance and peacefulness are the subjective experiences of your Self and transform your mind and physiology. With […]

Experience the Peace That Passes All Understanding In Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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Our minds are bound, along with the relative field, by space, time and causation. The bound mind cannot experience the peace that passes all understanding. What is this peace and how do you experience it? It is your Self, Pure Consciousness. Your Self experiences ItSelf by ItSelf when you transcend in your meditation practice. Transcending infuses your mind and physiology with the subjective experience of contentment, bliss, abundance and the peace that passes all understanding. Your mind is transformed by these experiences and in turn, sends out waves of peace and bliss throughout the Cosmos. This is the gift of […]

Know Your Self in Your Meditation Practice: Pure Consciousness That You Are – Guru For God

by Guru for God
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There are two realities of life: the relative field of the created universe and the unmanifest, never changing, unbounded and eternal Absolute field of Pure Consciousness that underlies all of creation. How can we experience this Pure Consciousness that is our Self? Transcend in your meditation practice. Transcend the relative field of life and the Self experiences ItSelf by ItSelf. Your Self. This is the experience of Pure Consciousness. When you return to experience of the relative field, feelings of contentment, abundance and peacefulness permeate your life and radiate out in waves across the universe. The more you experience your […]

How Meditation Cultivates Non-Attachment to Desires

by Guru for God
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Some practices put an emphasis on non-attachment to desires as a way to cultivate higher states of Consciousness. Maharishi teaches that non-attachment to desires is not a cause of Enlightenment. It is a result of Enlightenment. The mind unfolds naturally, governed by Natural Law. Thoughts lead to desires, desires to actions, and the results of actions leave impressions on the mind that engender new rounds of thoughts and desires. This is the unfolding of Karma. It keeps all of Creation in the stream of evolution. Being established in your Self, being Enlightened, brings real non- attachment to desires. The impressions […]

Manifest Abundance in Your Life with Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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What is abundance? Real abundance is a state of mind, a state of contentment. Maharishi teaches that the Self, the unbounded, unmanifest, eternal state of Wholeness that underlies the created world, is Bliss Consciousness. When you transcend in your meditation practice, you experience Bliss Consciousness. This experience infuses your mind and physiology and brings more contentment to your life. It also brings more support of Natural Law to fulfill your desires. When, through repeated experience of Bliss Consciousness, you become permanently established in the Self, your desires are even more supported by Natural Law and they are no longer binding. […]

How Do I Know God? Evolution to Knowledge of the Lord is the Destiny of All Human Beings

by Guru for God
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It is the destiny of all human beings to know the Lord. We have many lifetimes to evolve to desiring to know the Lord and to fulfilling that desire to know God. The means to fulfill the desire to know God is your meditation practice. When you transcend the relative field in your meditation, you experience the Self, the Absolute from which all Creation emerges. Through repeated experience of the Self, you establish that state of Consciousness permanently such that it is held along with waking, sleeping or dreaming. This is the first stage of Enlightenment. Enlightenment naturally evolves to […]