god guru / 85 posts found

Jyotish: Vedic Astrology Reveals the Purpose of Life

by Guru for God
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All of Creation, we human beings, the Universe, all are manifestations of Natural Law. We are the Universe. There is a particular relationship between the astral bodies and you in every lifetime. Using your natal chart and tracking the astral bodies’ movements and relationships to each other, a Jyotishi or Vedic Astrologer can see what is going on in your life and predict for the future. The Jyotishi can suggest remedies to mitigate difficult periods and maximize good ones. Your purpose in this lifetime is revealed in your Jyotish chart. We are the Universe. It is all God and so […]

Who is God? God Unifies Never Changing Consciousness with the Ever Changing Relative Plane of Life.

by Guru for God
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By the grace of God, the Laws of Nature emerge from Absolute Pure Consciousness to create the relative plane of life and govern all that is created. The highest form of creation is we human beings. By the grace of God, we human beings evolve to higher states of Consciousness: To Enlightenment, where the Self is separate from the relative plane of life. To God Consciousness, where the Lord is perceived on the level of the senses as celestial Being everywhere and everything. God is cognized on the level of feeling by a cultured heart flowing in love. The separation […]

Develop a Practice of Gratitude to God for the Gift of Higher States of Consciousness

by Guru for God
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We don’t always acknowledge gratitude to God even when things go well in our lives. We are all manifestations of the Lord. Gratitude is developing your relationship with the Lord and being grateful to God. How do you feel grateful when things don’t go well? Sometimes difficult challenges in your life bring good changes. Unhappiness might motivate you to start a practice of Meditation. A deeper understanding is that everything that happens in our lives, good and bad, is governed by the law of Karma to ensure our evolution. The purpose of our many lives as human beings is to […]

How Meditation Allows You to Take It As It Comes and Let Thy Will Be Done

by Guru for God
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The Laws of Nature unfold with reference to what has come before and with reference to Wholeness, or the Self. As your Karma unfolds, it brings sometimes good things and sometimes bad things. By referencing Wholeness in your Meditation, you develop a witnessing, observing quality to your Karma unfolding, such that you can take it as it comes. We are all evolving through many lifetimes to that perfection of life: Enlightenment. By doing your practice of Meditation you unfold your best possibility for happiness and fulfillment in life, for Enlightenment. In God Consciousness, living the experience of the Lord as […]

Different ways of understanding Enlightenment

by Guru for God
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There are different ways of talking about Enlightenment. Enlightenment is holding two states of Consciousness at the same time: the Transcendent along with waking, dreaming, or sleeping. Enlightenment brings a feeling of being separate from the created world. You identify yourself as the individuated Consciousness, not as your mind and physiology. How Karma unfolds and how that changes in Enlightenment. Enlightenment brings support of Natural Law to fulfill desires. Do your practices regularly to cultivate Enlightenment and enjoy its many benefits.