guru for God / 93 posts found

Transform Your Mind into the Nature of Being

by Guru for God
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Our experience here in the world is object referral. Any thought we may have, or feeling , any action we may take, or anything we may perceive with our senses, these are all objects the mind experiences. Our true nature is hidden, or covered by this identification with objects. Our essential nature is Divine Being That is our Self. But the experience of Divine Being is hidden by the experience of objects here in the world. Object referral covers Self referral. How can you experience your essential nature, Divine Being, alongside your experience of objects here in the relative field? […]

Steadiness Comes from a Steady Intellect Established in the Divine

by Guru for God
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Being steady in the face of all the changes in the world that we live in, is something to aspire to: To be able to keep your balance in the midst of change. How do you gain this kind of steadiness? When you transcend the relative field in your Meditation Practice, you experience the Transcendent That is your own Self, referring to ItSelf by ItSelf. The experience of the Transcendent transforms you; Transforms your mind and your physiology. You become more of an observer; An observer of what is happening around you. There is more distance between what is happening […]

Guru Purnima: Honor the Fullness of the Guru in the Light of God

by Guru for God
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Guru Purnima is celebrated on the day of the fullest moon of the summer. The moon is a metaphor for the fullness of the Guru and for the effulgence of the light of God. My Guru is Maharshi Mahesh Yogi. His Guru is Brahmananda Sarasvatim Guruvaram. These Gurus come from the Holy Tradition of Vedic Masters, that stretches back thousands of years. My Guru brings you the techniques and the teaching that are passed down through time from Master to disciple, to enable you to move towards Enlightenment. He teaches that you must have the experience of Divine Being, your […]

To Feel It Is All Good, Know It Is All God

by Guru for God
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It’s all good is an expression we use to convey to someone that everything is fine. Usually this refers to a particular situation that you feel is going to work out. But to feel on a deep level that all is good, one must know God. Universal God, Divine Being, is your own Self. It is your essential nature. It is the essential nature of all of Creation, of all the infinities of Universes. Universal God remains unmanifest and uninvolved, and yet manifests as every human being and as all of Creation. The experience of Divine Being in your Meditation […]

The Practical Benefits of Meditation Include Better Karma

by Guru for God
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Maharishi teaches that when you transcend in your Meditation Practice, your nervous system has a restful yet alert state. This restfulness and alertness of the nervous system corresponds to the transcending in your Meditation Practice. The deep rest of your nervous system during Meditation is very restorative . There is a reset of your mind and physiology in a more peaceful direction. These are some of the practical benefits of your Meditation Practice. The most profound and therefore most practical of the benefits of Meditation that transcends, is getting a better expression of your Karma. We have many lifetimes as […]
Maharishi Teaches How to Live Heaven on Earth

Maharishi Teaches How to Live Heaven on Earth

by Guru for God
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We have many different lifetimes as human beings. The purpose of these lifetimes is to evolve to Higher States of Consciousness. The evolution of our lifetimes is interspersed with time spent on the astral planes in the heavenly spheres. Sometimes there is deep rest for the individuated consciousness on the astral planes in between lives as a human being. With more evolution to Higher States of Consciousness, the lifetimes on the astral planes in the heavenly spheres are more active. These lifetimes are much longer and happier than lifetimes here on the terrestrial plane as human beings. You may have […]

The Practice of Meditation Brings Change in the Direction of Evolution

by Guru for God
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Change is often viewed in a negative way. People resist change, uncertain of what change will bring. But the world we live in, the relative field, is ever changing. The purpose of all this change is evolution: Evolution for each of us human beings and evolution for the Universe. How can you, with your practices, manage change better so that it brings you more happiness and fulfillment in your life? A Practice of Meditation that transcends the ever changing relative field, leaves you by your Self to experience your Self referring to ItSelf. Your Self is the field of Divine […]

To Know God One Must Live God.

by Guru for God
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There are many of you who want to know the Lord; Who have practices of devotion and service to God. If your acts of devotion and service remain in the relative field, here in the Created world, with the thoughts of your mind and the actions of your physiology, then you cannot know God. Your thoughts and your actions cannot reach God. They are covered by all the activity here in the relative field. What is the way to know God and to serve God To know God, one must realize God. One must realize God in the field of […]

Spiritual Awareness Is the Awareness of Universal God That Is Your Self

by Guru for God
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What does it mean to be spiritual? To be spiritual means to have an awareness of the finer, more subtle value of life; to have an awareness of the spirit of things. The spirit can be as personal and intimate as your own spirit, or as impersonal and expansive as the spirit of the Universe. Spiritual awareness is the awareness of That which is not created; That which is not of this bounded, manifest world that is ever changing. The spirit is That which never changes. It is your Self. Your Self That is unbounded, unmanifest and uncreated; That is […]

How to Bring More Harmony to the Duality of Fear and Trust with Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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Here in the relative field there is a great range of duality: Hot and cold, big and small, loud and quiet…. There is a great range of duality in our world. One of these dualities is fear and trust. Maharishi teaches that fear is born from the experience of duality in the relative field. The way to bring harmony to your fears is with your Meditation Practice. Transcend this relative field of duality that is always changing; Experience the field of the Absolute, the field of Unity that never changes; Experience Unified Divine Being. The experience of the Unity of […]