guru for God / 93 posts found

Offer Yourself to Your Self in Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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You could define yourself here in the relative field by your name, or your family, or your place of work, or your interests. But this is just a surface value defining of yourself here in the world. And like the relative field, this way of defining yourself is bounded, finite and ever changing. There is another way to define yourself: Your Self. When you have a Meditation Practice where you transcend the relative field, where you transcend your small, individual self, then the experience is of Universal Self; Your Self That is Divine Being, unfolding ItSelf to ItSelf by ItSelf; […]

Develop Your Relationship with God in Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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Universal God is realized in the field of the Transcendent That is Divine Being. When you have a Meditation Practice that allows you to transcend the relative field, then the experience is of Divine Being by ItSelf referring to ItSelf. The experience is of Divine Being, the Universal God. By doing your Meditation Practice regularly and transcending repeatedly, you cultivate the realization of Universal God. Eventually your mind is so transformed by regular and repeated experience of Universal God, that it rises to That status of Universal God. Now your Consciousness of Universal God is held alongside your consciousness of […]

What Is the Meaning of Life?

by Guru for God
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Each of us has a different idea about the meaning of life. For some, meaning is found in progress, in moving forward. For others, meaning is found in trying to make the world a better place; or to make a good life for your family. Or it might be for you all of the above. One of our jobs as human beings is to figure out for ourselves what is meaningful to us. For some people, like the Existentialists, the meaning of life is that there is no meaning: all that happens is random. But Maharishi teaches in the tradition […]

The Meditation Experience Is the Unfolding of Your Karma

by Guru for God
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When you have a meditation technique that allows you to transcend the relative field, there is a traversing of your mind: A traversing from the grosser, surface values of thoughts down through to the deeper levels of your mind, where thoughts are finer, more refined and subtle. In the traversing of the mind, as it moves toward the Transcendent, there can be different kinds of experiences. Maybe you see in your mind’s eye, a beautiful shape or form or color; or a flash of white light. Or maybe you are overcome by some feeling of sadness or joy, or by […]

The Absolute Truth Is a Higher State of Consciousness

by Guru for God
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Here in our world, in the relative field that is eternally ever changing, manifested and bounded by space, time and causation, there are many truths. Each of us here in the world is in a different place in our evolution to Higher States of Consciousness. Each of us has different circumstances, different experiences, and different perceptions. Therefore each of us holds different truths. And these many truths are always changing, according to how each of us changes. There is , however, one Absolute Truth: The Absolute Truth of Divine Being That is eternally never changing, unbounded and unmanifested. You can […]

What Happens When You Meditate

by Guru for God
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When you have a Meditation Practice with a technique that allows you to transcend the relative field, the experience is of your Self, Pure Consciousness That is Divine Being. You sit comfortably, close your eyes, and think your Mantra. Your mind naturally settles down, from the grosser, surface level to the finer, deeper levels of the mind where thoughts are more refined. The mind is always seeking greater happiness. As it is traversed from the surface level to the deeper levels, more happiness is experienced. And then your mind, all your thoughts, and the entire relative field are transcended. You […]

Seek the Happiness Within You That Is Your True Nature

by Guru for God
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All good things come to an end. Something that brings you happiness can change, as everything here in this world changes, and come to an end. If you seek happiness that lasts, then you should look within. Your mind and your physiology are projections of Consciousness: Projections of your Self. The nature of Self is bliss Consciousness; Is Consciousness of Divine Being That never changes, is unbounded and eternal. That experience of happiness is within you. When you have a Meditation Practice with a technique that allows you to transcend the relative field; To transcend the relative field that is […]

The Meditation Experience Is the Unfolding of Your Karma

by Guru for God
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When you have a meditation technique that allows you to transcend the relative field, there is a traversing of your mind: A traversing from the grosser, surface values of thoughts down through to the deeper levels of your mind, where thoughts are finer, more refined and subtle. In the traversing of the mind, as it moves toward the Transcendent, there can be different kinds of experiences. Maybe you see in your mind’s eye, a beautiful shape or form or color; or a flash of white light. Or maybe you are overcome by some feeling of sadness or joy, or by […]

Dharma Is the Path of Evolution to Higher States of Consciousness

by Guru for God
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Dharma is the path of evolution throughout your many lifetimes, evolution to Higher States of Consciousness. Your particular dharma in this lifetime is according to your particular level of consciousness in this lifetime. You should not try to follow someone else’s dharma. Your own path of evolution is the most efficient and effective for you. Maharishi teaches that to truly be on the path of your dharma, you must be established in your Self. Being established in your Self is the way to transcend all the limitations of your individual mind in this particular lifetime; To transcend all the limitations […]

Be Anchored in Never Changing Silence in the Midst of Ever Changing Dynamism

by Denis Kreker
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Silence, the Field of the Absolute, the Silence of Divine Being, is never changing eternally. Dynamism, the relative field, the field of activity here in the world, is always changing eternally. And yet Silence, the Silence of Divine Being , is the source of the relative field. It permeates all of the relative field, all of the dynamism here with all its activity. When you have a Meditation Practice where the relative field is transcended, then your Self is left in Silence to experience Divine Being by ItSelf. The Silence of Divine Being transforms your mind and physiology. Eventually they […]