guru for God / 93 posts found

The Value of the Vedas Is Not the Meaning of the Words. It Is the Sounds of the Words

by Guru for God
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Maharishi teaches that the Vedas are sounds and vibrations that manifest the entire relative field; that manifest the infinity of Universes of all of Creation. The Vedas are the Laws of Nature. They are the first sounds and vibrations to emerge from Wholeness, from the Field of the Absolute. Upanishad, Aranyak and Brahmana are the Vedas that manifest the process of meditation in the human physiology. Upanishad is the ascending tracts of the central nervous system, the transcending of the relative field. Aranyak is the fasiculi proprii, the stirring of the Crown Chakra when your Self is left by ItSelf […]

Personal Love Intimates Divine Love

by Guru for God
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Personal Love Intimates Divine Love. Loving another human being is an expression of the love of God. Personal love is a window onto Divine Love. All of Creation, all of us human beings, are manifest expressions of the Lord. Loving another human being is transformative. It opens your heart chakra and allows you to evolve in a very powerful manner. Often loving another human being has limitations. It is not unconditional love. Rather there are conditions on why and how you love someone. When this is the case, there can be pain associated with loving. But if your love for […]

Open Your Chakras with Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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The Chakras are energy centers of light. These Chakras make up the energy body of your physiology. These Chakras range from the bottom of your spine up through the crown of your head. There is a different color associated with each Chakra. The color red is the Root Chakra at the base of the spine. The next Chakra is orange; then follows yellow, and then green, the heart Chakra. Next is blue, the Throat Chakra; then indigo, the Third Eye, and finally ultraviolet, the Crown Chakra. This is the same spectrum of color as the rainbow, or as the light […]

From Wholeness, Through Wholeness, to Wholeness Is the Course of Evolution

by Guru for God
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Maharishi teaches that Creation emerges from Wholeness, evolves through Wholeness and dissolves in Wholeness. From Wholeness, through Wholeness to Wholeness; This is the course of evolution. Wholeness is the Transcendent. It is Pure Consciousness, your Self. Some systems teach emptiness. Maharishi teaches Wholeness, fullness. The Field of the Absolute, your Self, is the source of all of Creation. It is an infinite Field of All Possibilities. Though attribute- less, It is the source of all possible attributes. One could think of it as emptiness. But Maharishi teaches Wholeness, fullness: The fullness of That Absolute and the fullness of this relative; […]

Surrender to Your Guru for the Most Evolution of Consciousness

by Guru for God
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There are many different levels of surrendering. If you want help from someone to move forward at work or in your personal life, choose your teacher and surrender to your teacher to gain the most for your advancement. At the same time that you surrender to your teacher, you hold on to your self referral. Self referral allows you to know whether you are benefiting from the teaching. This is the way to gain the most from your teacher. There are deeper levels of surrender. If you want to experience higher states of Consciousness, surrender to the Guru who gives […]

To Be a Yogi: Be Your Self, Pure Consciousness

by Guru for God
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A practice of Yoga develops your nervous system. The developed nervous system develops the mind and physiology. Maharishi teaches that developing your nervous system can develop Enlightenment, where you hold two states of Consciousness at the same time. He teaches, however, that there is a faster way to develop Enlightenment: Meditate and transcend the relative field. Experience Pure Consciousness, your Self. The most effective way to practice Yoga is with a Hatha Practice. Go deeply within a pose and hold it for five to ten seconds. Do the pose in a way where you, with your particular physiology, get the […]

The Purpose of Life Is the Expansion of Happiness

by Guru for God
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There are systems of meditation, like Buddhism, that teach that life is suffering. Maharishi teaches the opposite: That the purpose of life is the expansion of happiness; That life is to be enjoyed: To be enjoyed in the experience of the relative field; And to be enjoyed in the experience of the Absolute: Pure Consciousness. When you transcend the relative field in your meditation practice, your thoughts and your mind are transcended. Your Self, Pure Consciousness, is left by ItSelf to experience ItSelf. This experience comes out when you return to Consciousness of the relative field , to waking, dreaming […]

Einstein and Tolstoy Cognized the Universal Law of Karma

by Guru for God
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Einstein and Tolstoy Cognized the Universal Law of Karma. Tolstoy’s novel War and Peace presents a new theory of history. He states that history is the unfolding of events that are consequences of what has come before. Tolstoy cognized the Law of Karma: As you sow, so shall you reap. The purpose of Karma is to keep Creation in the stream of evolution. Maharishi teaches that how Karma unfolds is unfathomable. It unfolds with reference to what has come before, and also with reference to Wholeness, to the Transcendent. All your actions have influences that reverberate throughout the Universe. When […]

Acceptance Is Cultivated With Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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Sometimes life can be hard. We want to comfort ourselves in a meaningful way. Accepting things as they are is a way to accomplish this. Your Meditation practice cultivates acceptance. Experience of the Transcendent, Pure Consciousness, in Your Meditation Practice cultivates a witnessing, observing quality, a quality of detachment. These qualities are very useful in allowing you to accept more of the difficult things in your life; allowing you to be more at peace. Moreover, the experience of the Transcendent in your Meditation practice garners more support of Natural Law to enable your actions to be more powerful . More […]

The Field of All Possibilities Is Pure Consciousness, Your Self

by Guru for God
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Pure Consciousness, your Self, is a field of all possibilities. This Universe where we live is of the relative field. It is manifest, ever changing and bounded by space, time and causation. Pure Consciousness, on the other hand, is the field of the Absolute. It is unmanifest, never changing and unbounded. It is a field of all possibilities: all possibilities of an infinite number of universes evolving in an infinite number of ways. The possibilities expressed in any universe are all governed by Natural Law. The Law of Karma ensures that Creation remains in the stream of evolution. Pure Consciousness […]