guru meditation / 56 posts found

Whether a Householder or a Recluse, Experience Divine Being in Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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Maharishi teaches that it does not matter whether your way of life is as a householder or as a recluse. To gain Higher States of Consciousness, you must do your Meditation Practice. Your way of life, either out in the world or in seclusion in a monastery or on an ashram, should be carried out in a measured and balanced manner. Either way of life will integrate and stabilize the changes in Consciousness that come from your Meditation Practice. We have many different lifetimes as human beings. The purpose of these lives is the evolution to Higher States of Consciousness. […]

Devotion to God Is the Most Refined of the Finest Feelings

by Guru for God
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The teaching of the Ancient Vedic Masters is that devotion to the Lord is the offering of service, reverence and love. This offering of devotion is only possible when one is established in one’s Self. The consciousness of the relative field, the waking, dreaming or sleeping states, is full of activity. One is always busy doing, perceiving, thinking and feeling. This activity of the relative field covers the Awareness of Self; It covers and hides your true nature. The Self is the experience when the relative field, with all its ever changing activity, is transcended: The Self is left by […]

Self Referral Is the Simplest Form of Awareness

by Guru for God
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As we live our lives here in the world, we often think of things with reference to ourselves. We refer to our mind to help us determine the best course of action. But there is a much deeper understanding of Self referral. With the consciousness of the relative field, the waking, dreaming or sleeping state, we practice object referral. Any thoughts, perceptions, or feelings we may have are the practice of object referral. The consciousness of the object fills the mind and hides the Consciousness of Self. When you have a Meditation Practice that allows you to transcend the relative […]

How to Move Forward in Your Life in the Direction of Evolution for You and for the World

by Guru for God
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Maharishi teaches that a Meditation Practice which transcends the relative field gives the experience of Pure Consciousness, the experience of your Self. Transcending the relative field leaves your Self to experience ItSelf by ItSelf. That experience of Self, of Pure Consciousness, transforms your mind and your physiology in the direction of evolution. All your desires, thoughts and actions move towards spontaneous right desires, thoughts and actions. Right actions in the direction of evolution get the support of Natural Law for fulfillment. Your life is lived with more happiness and fulfillment. The influences of Pure Consciousness in your transformed mind and […]

Cultivate the Consciousness of Divine Being, the Universal God, in Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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Many systems of Meditation do not reference God. Maharishi teaches that in a practice where the relative field is transcended, the experience is of Divine Being, of Universal God. Divine Being is the field of the Absolute. That field is unbounded and never changing, is Absolute in Its nature. It is the source of and the finest constituent of the relative field, our Universe, which is bounded by space, time and causation. That field of the Absolute is Pure Consciousness, is your Self, is Universal God. It has always been, is now and forever shall be. Who you really are […]

Explore the Faintest Level of Feeling That Is the Finest Field of Creation

by Guru for God
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Your feelings are finer projections of your mind than your thoughts. In your Meditation Practice, these feelings move from the grosser levels of feelings to the finer levels of feelings, to the faintest level of feeling. This is the interface of Consciousness and mind: The faintest level of feeling. When you transcend the relative field in your Meditation Practice, you go beyond relativity, beyond the faintest level of feeling. But the process of transcending itself traverses all the values of Creation, from the grosser surface values to the finer, more subtle values. Traversing the relative field allows the experience of […]

Unfathomable Is the Course of Action – Get the Best Possibility of Your Karma Now

by Guru for God
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Unfathomable Is the Course of Action – Get the Best Possibility of Your Karma Now. Unfathomable is the course of action. The Sanskrit word Karma is action. The consequences of your actions will show up at some point in your many lifetimes. As you sow, so shall you reap. Every action of yours has results that are governed by Natural Law. Their influences radiate out into the Universe. It is unfathomable when these influences will return to you. Your Karma unfolds with reference to what has come before, reference to your past actions, and also with reference to Wholeness, to […]

Maharishi Illuminates the Teaching of the Ancient Vedic Masters with His Commentary on the Bhagavad-Gita

by Guru for God
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Since the beginning, the Lord has manifested as a human being with full realization of Godhead. This is Personal God. The times, the evolution of the people and the place determine how the Lord manifests. The form of the Lord’s teaching corresponds to that particular place in time, with that particular consciousness of the people. For this reason, different religions have different interpretations of the Lord’s teaching. But the root of the teaching and the Lord remain unchanged. Universal God is Divine Being. Divine Being underlies the relative field; Underlies all of Creation. The source of Creation, and its finest […]

Maharishi Teaches That All Action Is Performed By Natural Law

by Guru for God
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All action is performed by Natural Law; By the unfolding of the Vedas; The Vedas that manifest as all of Creation. The surface value of your identity here in the relative field: Your name, your family, your profession, where you might live; All of these are governed by the Laws of Nature, governed by the Law of Karma. The Law of Karma states: As you sow, so shall you reap. The consequences of your past actions determine your present circumstances; Determine your current thoughts and actions. The purpose of the Law of Karma is to keep every element of Creation, […]

Einaudi and Gjeilo: Secular and Divine Love

by Guru for God
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Music can express love in a very compelling manner. Ludovico Einaudi wrote and performs a piece for piano called Bye Bye Mon Amour. With his music he expresses love for another human being. Ola Gjeilo composed Ubi Caritas as a chorale piece celebrating Divine love. The Decca recording with Voces 8 singing and Gjeilo improvising on piano to accompany them, is the most beautiful realization of Ubi Caritas. These two pieces evoke very different kinds of love. Einaudi’s Bye Bye Mon Amour expresses his love for another person in the musical composition itself, and also with his impassioned performance of […]