guru meditation / 56 posts found

In the Beginning Are the Vedas: Words with Sounds and Vibrations That Manifest All of Creation

by Guru for God
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In the beginning was the word; and the word was God. In the beginning are the sounds and vibrations of the Vedas: The sounds and vibrations that collapse and manifest the infinity of Universes; That manifest all of Creation. The Field of the Absolute, Pure Consciousness, That is Divine Being, vibrates. And from this Field emerge the Vedas that are the source of all activity; the source of all the relative field. Sourced from Silence, the Vedas emerge as Total Knowledge That expresses all of Creation. All of the relative field is Wholeness manifested by the Vedas; Manifested by the […]

Unbounded Awareness Is the Simplest Form of Awareness

by Guru for God
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Maharishi teaches that Unbounded Awareness is the simplest form of Awareness. That expansive value of unboundedness is experienced on the surface value of life, by looking up at the stars in the night sky. How far away those stars are…. How they expand into infinity… This feeling of expansiveness is cultivated on the deeper level with your meditation practice. Transcending the relative field leaves your Self, Pure Consciousness, by ItSelf to experience ItSelf. That is unbounded Awareness. That is the simplest form of Awareness. The goal of life as a human being is to cultivate the simplest form of Awareness: […]

The Consciousness of Your Mind Creates Your Experience Here in the Relative Field

by Guru for God
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Your mind is a projection of your Consciousness. And your mind then projects your physiology and your five senses, that in turn project the five Vedic elements of which the entire Universe is made. Your mind creates the Universe and your experience here in the Universe. All of Creation is for the purpose of evolving your mind to higher States of Consciousness. How can you get your best experience of happiness and fulfillment here in the relative field, and get the most evolution to higher States of Consciousness? Transform your mind. When you transcend the relative field in your Meditation […]

To Get What You Want in Life, Be in That Interface of Mind and Consciousness

by Guru for God
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Be in that interface of mind and Consciousness to get what you want in life. When you transcend the relative field in your Meditation Practice, you transcend your mind and all your thoughts. Your Self, Pure Consciousness, is left by ItSelf to experience ItSelf. There is no experience of the relative field. There is only Self referral Consciousness, aware of ItSelf. Pure Consciousness, your Self, is the source of the relative field, the source of all of Creation. During the process of Meditation, the thoughts of your mind become more and more subtle . Just before transcending, your mind experiences […]

Being Grateful Is Its Own Reward. Cultivate Gratitude in Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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Being grateful is its own reward. It is a state of Grace. By the Grace of God we feel gratitude; Gratitude that is a wonderful encompassing feeling. There are many things to be grateful for in our lives: Certain circumstances; Certain people; Relationships with those who bring us joy; Or who help us accomplish our daily tasks; Who bring us the Karma, the consequences of our past actions, so that we can experience it and move forward in our evolution. The Laws of Nature, of Karma, are governing the evolution of each of us here in the world, so that […]

The Whole is Much More Than the Sum of Its Parts

by Guru for God
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The Whole is Much More Than the Sum of Its Parts. The Whole is much greater than the sum of Its parts. The beautiful song Knoxville: Summer of 1915 illustrates this phenomenon. The text for this piece is written by James Agee; Samuel Barber sets it to music; and Leontyne Price performs it. In Knoxville: Summer of 1915, Agee describes what it feels like to be a particular child in this place at this moment of time. The child is surrounded by his family members, feeling content and well loved, as they all lie on quilts on the grass one […]

Maharishi Teaches You Can Only Love Your Self

by Guru for God
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Maharishi Teaches You Can Only Love Your Self. What does it mean: you can only love your Self? The surface value meaning is: You can only love yourself here in the relative field. Your interests always come first, even if your interests are to behave altruistically. But there is a deeper meaning. Maharishi teaches that you can only love your Self. What is this Self? The Self is Pure Consciousness, Divine Being, the Field of the Absolute. It is who you really are. The Self is the origin of the relative field. Unmanifest, unbounded, eternal and never changing, your Self […]

Finer Feelings Are Cultivated With Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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When you transcend the relative field in your Meditation Practice, you experience Pure Consciousness That is your Self, Divine Being. The feelings that are cultivated when you transcend regularly and repeatedly bring much improvement to your life. First, compassion is cultivated: a feeling of generosity, kindness and empathy. The intellectual understanding of compassion is based in the teaching of Karma. Karma unfolds in an unfathomable manner for each of us to ensure that we are in the stream of evolution. Sometimes bad things unfold for people. Understanding that Karma determines one’s circumstances brings a feeling of compassion for those in […]

The Value of the Vedas Is Not the Meaning of the Words. It Is the Sounds of the Words

by Guru for God
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Maharishi teaches that the Vedas are sounds and vibrations that manifest the entire relative field; that manifest the infinity of Universes of all of Creation. The Vedas are the Laws of Nature. They are the first sounds and vibrations to emerge from Wholeness, from the Field of the Absolute. Upanishad, Aranyak and Brahmana are the Vedas that manifest the process of meditation in the human physiology. Upanishad is the ascending tracts of the central nervous system, the transcending of the relative field. Aranyak is the fasiculi proprii, the stirring of the Crown Chakra when your Self is left by ItSelf […]

Personal Love Intimates Divine Love

by Guru for God
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Personal Love Intimates Divine Love. Loving another human being is an expression of the love of God. Personal love is a window onto Divine Love. All of Creation, all of us human beings, are manifest expressions of the Lord. Loving another human being is transformative. It opens your heart chakra and allows you to evolve in a very powerful manner. Often loving another human being has limitations. It is not unconditional love. Rather there are conditions on why and how you love someone. When this is the case, there can be pain associated with loving. But if your love for […]