meditation / 80 posts found

Bliss Consciousness Is the Experience of the Transcendent in Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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Bliss Consciousness is not of the relative field. Bliss Consciousness is never changing; unmanifest; unbounded and eternal. It is Absolute in Its nature. The relative field, the world that we live in, is always changing; manifest; bounded by space, time and causation, and with beginnings and endings. It is relative in its nature. Bliss Consciousness is the experience of the Transcendent in your Meditation practice. It is the experience when the relative field is transcended. Your Self, Bliss Consciousness, is left by ItSelf to experience ItSelf. Transcending the relative field in your Meditation practice is not an experience of your […]

Higher States of Consciousness Are Gained with Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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We are all familiar with the states of Consciousness of the relative field: Waking, sleeping and dreaming. There are , however, higher states of Consciousness that a human being is able to gain. The first higher state of Consciousness is the Transcendent. Transcending the relative field in your meditation practice brings experience of the Transcendent, experience of your Self. Your Self is left by ItSelf to experience ItSelf. Your Self is Being, the Transcendent, the field of the Absolute. There is no experience of the relative field, no waking, sleeping or dreaming. Repeated and regular experience of the Transcendent cultures […]

There Are Many Reasons to Begin a Meditation Practice.

by Guru for God
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Some of the more surface value reasons to start a Meditation practice are: Unhappiness in your life. Stress. A desire for relaxation or peacefulness. Wanting to live more in the moment. And there are other deeper value reasons to begin a Meditation practice: An interest in the evolution of your consciousness. A curiosity about how Creation emerges, evolves and dissolves. Wanting to know who you are and what the purpose of life is. A desire to understand things you want to understand and to change things you want to change. Maharishi teaches that a Meditation practice that transcends the relative […]

Purification Can Be Rough: Have Faith in Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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Sometimes external events, or even the unfolding of internal events, can bring roughness to your life. You may have feelings of unhappiness, fear or despair. Life can seem chaotic, cruel and violent. This is purification. Purification is necessary to refine and purify, so that something better may be experienced. In your evolution to higher states of Consciousness, evolution governed by Karma, there can be roughness at times, even with practices like meditation and yoga. The roughness is the difficulty integrating and metabolizing certain experiences. Maharishi teaches that having a practice of meditation where you transcend, minimizes the roughness in life. […]

Serving God by Experiencing Pure Consciousness, Your Self, in Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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Throughout time there have been many ideas about the way to serve God. How do you know what the best way to serve God is? The best way to serve the Lord is to know the Lord. This is accomplished by transcending in your meditation practice and experiencing Divine Being, your Self. Returning to experience of the relative field brings you feelings of contentment, peacefulness and abundance. These feelings radiate out into the universe influencing all of us and everything. This is the way to serve the Lord. When you have regular and repeated experience of the Transcendent, your mind […]

The Now, Unbounded by Time, is Pure Consciousness, Your Self, the Experience of the Transcendent

by Guru for God
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The timeless Now is none other than Pure Consciousness, your Self, Divine Being. This is the experience of the Transcendent. There is a systematic way to experience Pure Consciousness . Transcend the relative field in your meditation practice. Experience the unbounded, never changing, unmanifest field that is the source of all of Creation, that is your Self. This experience of your Self comes out into your experience of the relative field. It transforms your mind and physiology. It brings you your best possibilities for happiness and fulfillment. If you desire to be in the Now, then transcend regularly and repeatedly […]

The Purification of Meditation Brings Life on Higher Planes in the Worlds of the Righteous

by Guru for God
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Maharishi teaches that when you transcend in your meditation practice, you experience your Self, Divine Being. This experience of your Self infuses, transforms and purifies your mind and physiology. With this purification, when you drop your body you have access to higher realms of existence, according to the level of your purity. These lives on higher planes are much longer and happier than our lives here on Earth. But you must come back to Earth to meditate and continue your evolution to Enlightenment. Whatever purity you gain from your meditation practice is brought into the next lifetime. Nature will ensure […]

Universal God and Personal God Realized with Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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Universal God, or Divine Being, is the experience when you transcend in your meditation practice. Divine Being, your Self, is the experience of universal God. Coming out of the Transcendent, you bring this experience of God into your life here in the relative field. Repeated transcending in your meditation practice transforms your mind, physiology and nervous system such that eventually you can hold two states of Consciousness at the same time: the Consciousness of universal God and waking, dreaming or sleeping. This is the first stage of Enlightenment. Enlightenment naturally develops a desire for union with the Lord in God […]

Meditation Refines Your Thoughts, Words and Actions to Bring Evolution to the Universe

by Guru for God
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Maharishi teaches that your every thought, word and action influence the entire Cosmos. Your mind is a projection of Consciousness. Your physiology and senses are projections of your mind. And the five Vedic elements, earth, water, fire, air and space, are projections of your senses. The entire Universe is a projection of your mind. You influence all of Creation according to your particular vibrations. How can you transform these vibrations that manifest as your mind and physiology to be of the finest quality, such that the influence you bring to the Universe is in the direction of evolution and in […]

The Importance of Transcending Regularly in Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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Regular and repeated transcending in your meditation practice brings many benefits to you and to the world. The experience of the Transcendent, Divine Being, your Self, radiates out in your life and in waves across the Universe. It brings feelings of peacefulness, contentment and abundance. It brings your thoughts, words and actions in the direction of accordance with Natural Law for your evolution and for the evolution of all of creation. It brings the best expression of your Karma and of the world’s Karma for happiness and fulfillment. Regular transcending in your meditation practice will eventually bring you Enlightenment, where […]