peace / 4 posts found

Pure Consciousness, Your Self, Is the Source of All of Creation

by Guru for God
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Maharishi teaches that smaller than the smallest is bigger than the biggest. Pure Consciousness is the field that underlies all of the relative created field of life. Pure Consciousness, your Self, is the source of all of Creation, of smaller than the smallest and bigger than the biggest. When you transcend the relative field in your meditation practice, your Self is left by ItSelf to experience ItSelf, Pure Consciousness. This field of all possibilities comes out into your life here in the relative world. It brings you the best of your possibilities for happiness and fulfillment.

Your Intentions Matter. Meditation Brings the Best Outcomes of Action.

by Guru for God
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Maharishi teaches it is your intentions that matter. The results of actions are beyond your control. These results are governed by Natural Law to ensure the evolution of all of creation according to Karma. Karma unfolds with reference to what has come before and also with reference to Wholeness, to Divine Being. Reference Divine Being when you transcend in your meditation practice. This is the way to influence results of actions to be more in the direction of your intentions. Regular meditation practice brings about the best possibility of your Karma for happiness and fulfillment. It also brings the world […]

Experience the Peace That Passes All Understanding In Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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Our minds are bound, along with the relative field, by space, time and causation. The bound mind cannot experience the peace that passes all understanding. What is this peace and how do you experience it? It is your Self, Pure Consciousness. Your Self experiences ItSelf by ItSelf when you transcend in your meditation practice. Transcending infuses your mind and physiology with the subjective experience of contentment, bliss, abundance and the peace that passes all understanding. Your mind is transformed by these experiences and in turn, sends out waves of peace and bliss throughout the Cosmos. This is the gift of […]

Who is God? God Unifies Never Changing Consciousness with the Ever Changing Relative Plane of Life.

by Guru for God
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By the grace of God, the Laws of Nature emerge from Absolute Pure Consciousness to create the relative plane of life and govern all that is created. The highest form of creation is we human beings. By the grace of God, we human beings evolve to higher states of Consciousness: To Enlightenment, where the Self is separate from the relative plane of life. To God Consciousness, where the Lord is perceived on the level of the senses as celestial Being everywhere and everything. God is cognized on the level of feeling by a cultured heart flowing in love. The separation […]