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The Consciousness of Your Mind Creates Your Experience Here in the Relative Field

by Guru for God
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Your mind is a projection of your Consciousness. And your mind then projects your physiology and your five senses, that in turn project the five Vedic elements of which the entire Universe is made. Your mind creates the Universe and your experience here in the Universe. All of Creation is for the purpose of evolving your mind to higher States of Consciousness. How can you get your best experience of happiness and fulfillment here in the relative field, and get the most evolution to higher States of Consciousness? Transform your mind. When you transcend the relative field in your Meditation […]

The Analysis of the Relative Field Brings Consciousness of Being, your Best Ally

by Guru for God
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The practice of meditation that transcends is the analysis of the relative field, of this reality we call life. This reality is bounded by space, time and causation, manifest and ever changing, perishable and phenomenal. The process of meditating is the analysis of these values from the grosser surface level values to the finer subtler values. Then all values are transcended: That Reality, the Transcendent is experienced. That Reality is the synthesis of all of the relative values of this reality. It is the Unified Field. It is Divine Being, your Self. The process of analyzing the relative field uncovers […]

Who is God? God Unifies Never Changing Consciousness with the Ever Changing Relative Plane of Life.

by Guru for God
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By the grace of God, the Laws of Nature emerge from Absolute Pure Consciousness to create the relative plane of life and govern all that is created. The highest form of creation is we human beings. By the grace of God, we human beings evolve to higher states of Consciousness: To Enlightenment, where the Self is separate from the relative plane of life. To God Consciousness, where the Lord is perceived on the level of the senses as celestial Being everywhere and everything. God is cognized on the level of feeling by a cultured heart flowing in love. The separation […]