The Absolute Truth Is a Higher State of Consciousness

by Guru for God
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Here in our world, in the relative field that is eternally ever changing, manifested and bounded by space, time and causation, there are many truths.

Each of us here in the world is in a different place in our evolution to Higher States of Consciousness.

Each of us has different circumstances, different experiences, and different perceptions.

Therefore each of us holds different truths.

And these many truths are always changing, according to how each of us changes.

There is , however, one Absolute Truth:

The Absolute Truth of Divine Being That is eternally never changing, unbounded and unmanifested.

You can experience the Absolute Truth of Divine Being:

It is your own Self;

Your Self That is beyond your identity here in the relative field, beyond your mind and physiology.

When you have a Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field, that transcends all of the experiences here in the world, then your Self, That is Divine Being, is left by ItSelf to experience ItSelf.

When you return to the ever changing experience of the relative field, then that infusion of the experience of Divine Being brings you feelings of peacefulness, happiness and contentment.

Your Self, That is Divine Being, the Absolute Truth, is the Self of all beings.

And all beings are found in your Self.

To expand your happiness, and to get the best possibility of the Karma that you brought into this lifetime now, experience your Self in your Meditation Practice.

Experience Divine Being, the one Absolute Truth.

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