The Law of Karma Is the Law of Cause and Effect

by Guru for God
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The Law of Karma is:
As you sow, so shall you reap.
This is the teaching of the Ancient Vedic Masters;
The teaching that is thousands of years old and has withstood the test of time.
Your thoughts, words and actions are cause.
The consequences of your thoughts, words and actions are effect.
You have control over cause.
You have no control over effect.
The Laws of Nature determine the effect of your thoughts, words and actions.
The Law of Karma keeps all of Creation in the stream of evolution.
To escape the law of cause and effect, you must develop a Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field.
Such a practice allows the experience of your Self;
Your Self That is Divine Being;
That is the Transcendent.
Repeated and regular transcending in your Meditation Practice leads to being established in your Self;
Established in Divine Being.
Now you are free from the bondage of Karma;
Free from the consequences of actions determining new thoughts words and actions.
You are established in your Self:
Uninvolved with actions;
Uninvolved with the consequences of actions;
Uninvolved with cause;
Uninvolved with effect.
Develop your Meditation Practice.
Be your Self.

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