The Purpose of Life Is the Expansion of Happiness

by Guru for God
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There are systems of meditation, like Buddhism, that teach that life is suffering.

Maharishi teaches the opposite:

That the purpose of life is the expansion of happiness;

That life is to be enjoyed:

To be enjoyed in the experience of the relative field;

And to be enjoyed in the experience of the Absolute: Pure Consciousness.

When you transcend the relative field in your meditation practice, your thoughts and your mind are transcended.

Your Self, Pure Consciousness, is left by ItSelf to experience ItSelf.

This experience comes out when you return to Consciousness of the relative field , to waking, dreaming or sleeping.

It brings you feelings of bliss, of contentment, of happiness.

These feelings reverberate throughout the Universe with good influences for all of Creation.

The more you experience Pure Consciousness in your Meditation practice , the more your mind and physiology are transformed.

Eventually you rise to That status of Enlightenment.

You are able to hold two states of Consciousness simultaneously: that of the relative and That of the Absolute.

This is an exponential expansion of happiness for your life.

Expand your happiness to the culmination of happiness:

Be Enlightened.

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