The Unified Field of Natural Law Is the Field of All Possibilities That Is Your Self

by Guru for God
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Your essential nature is a field of all possibilities:
All possibilities of all created worlds and of all the infinities of universes.
This is your potential.
The nature of your own Self That is Divine Being is to vibrate.
These vibrations emerge as the Laws of Nature.
The Laws of Nature are the first manifestation of Creation.
The sounds and vibrations of the Laws of Nature collapse and manifest all the material world.
These Laws emerge in a sequential manner with reference to what has come before and with reference to your Self.
Your Self is the Wholeness, the Pure Consciousness That underlies all the material world.
The sounds and the vibrations of the Laws of Nature manifest your mind;
Your mind projects your physiology and the entire Universe.
Your mind and your physiology, along with all the created world, are bounded and limited by space, by time and by causation.
The Law of Karma governs cause and effect:
As you sow, so shall you reap.
When you came into this particular lifetime, you brought Karma with you that must be lived out in your lifetime now.
Within this Karma there is still a range of possibilities.
To bring out the best of these possibilities:
Refer to your Self in your Meditation Practice.
Transcend the relative field and experience your Self left by ItSelf referring to ItSelf.
That is the field of all possibilities, the Unified Field of Natural Law.
When you refer to your Self regularly and repeatedly in your Meditation Practice, it allows the expression of the better possibilities of your Karma for your happiness and fulfillment right now in this lifetime.
As you continue your Meditation Practice, in time your mind and physiology are so transformed that they open up to all possibilities.
You are established in your Self;
Established in the Field of All Possibilities.
Consciousness of your Self is held permanently alongside the consciousness of the relative field, the waking, dreaming or sleeping.
This is the first stage of Enlightenment.
You know your Self as separate from all the activity here in the world.
You know your Self as Divine Being;
Divine Being That is the Field of All Possibilities.

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