The Universal Truth Is Absolute in Its Nature and Brings Understanding of the Purpose of Life

by Guru for God
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There are many truths about our Universe:
Time goes by, all perishes, change is never ending……
These truths are all relative truths, truths of the relative field.
The created world, the infinities of Universes:
This is the relative plane of life.
There is Absolute universal truth that lies beyond the relative field.
Maharishi teaches in the tradition of the Ancient Vedic Masters out of India, a tradition that is thousands of years old and has stood the test of time.
He teaches that the truth of all truths is Divine Being.
Divine Being is the Absolute truth of the Absolute field of life.
That field is never changing, unmanifest and unbounded.
The relative field, on the other hand, is ever changing, of phenomenal appearances, and bounded by space , time and causation.
There is so much activity in the relative field with all that goes on and all the thoughts of our minds, that That other Reality of life, Divine Being, is hidden or covered.
Divine Being is the essential constituent of the relative field;
It is your essential nature.
Our purpose here as human beings is to realize Divine Being and to live it here in our lives.
How do you realize Divine Being?
You need a Meditation Practice with a technique that allows you to transcend the relative field, to go beyond the field of Creation, and beyond the subtlest thoughts of your mind.
Then the experience is of Divine Being by ItSelf referring to ItSelf.
That experience of Divine Being transforms you.
It brings an expansion to your mind, an expansion of happiness and fulfillment.
This is your purpose in life:
To expand to the potential of all possibilities of Divine Being That is Universal God, That is your Self.
Divine Being is the Absolute truth of truths.
It is the end-all and the be- all.
It is the cause of all causes.
Accomplish your purpose in life.
Realize Divine Being in your Meditation Practice.
Live It here in the world.

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