The Universe Is the Expression of Divine Being.

by Guru for God
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In a recent Time Magazine article, scientist Brian Greene discusses using quantum mechanical probabilities to predict a random and insentient universe.
Quantum mechanical equations of signs and gaps between signs are used to make his predictions.
These quantum mechanical equations unfolding as signs and gaps between signs, unfold in a similar manner to the unfolding of the Vedas.
The Vedas unfold in a sequential manner as sounds with gaps between the sounds.
The gap between the sounds of the Vedas is Wholeness;
That gap of Wholeness is the Field of the Absolute That is Divine Being;
That is Universal God.
All of Creation evolves as sounds unfolding with reference to the sound that has come before, and with reference to Wholeness.
All of Creation evolves in this orderly manner;
And all of Creation is sentient with the Wholeness of Divine Being.
Perhaps Dr. Greene should look again at his equations.
These equations fall short of doing the analysis that is the deepest analysis that can be done:
The analysis of transcending the relative field;
Of transcending the Universe in your Meditation Practice;
And experiencing That Wholeness;
Knowing That Wholeness is Who You are;
Is the entire Universe made manifest.
Then you understand all of science that there is to understand;
Even that science that has yet to be uncovered.

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