The Universe Is the Expression of Your Self

by Guru for God
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The teaching of my Guru, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, is the teaching of the Ancient Vedic Masters.
He teaches that Atma , your Self, is the essential constituent of the Universe.
The entire Universe, the entire created world, the infinities of Universes are your Self.
Atma, the Vedic word for Self, is the Field of the Absolute;
The Field That underlies the relative field of the created world that we live in.
The Field of the Absolute is never changing;
It has no boundaries;
It is unmanifest;
And yet It is the source of all attributes;
The source of all of Creation.
That Field of the Absolute, Atma, is your Self.
It is your essential nature.
It is the essential nature of the entire Universe.
Who you are is never changing;
Who you are is eternal, with no boundaries.
Unlike the relative field that is bounded by space, time and causation, that is ever changing and of phenomenal appearances;
Unlike the relative field, your Self never changes.
It has been since the world began;
It is now;
And it will be always.
You are beyond the Universe;
And yet you are the Universe.
This is the Vedic teaching:
You are this ;
And you are That.
To discover your Self, develop a Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field .
Then your Self is left by ItSelf to experience ItSelf.
This is Self Knowledge.
When you return to the experience of the relative field, to the consciousness of waking, dreaming or sleeping , That experience of Self comes back with you.
It transforms your mind.
In time, your mind is able to hold two states of Consciousness at the same time:
Consciousness of Self alongside consciousness of the relative field .
This is the State of Enlightenment.
It is your birthright as a human being to gain the State of Enlightenment.

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