To Be a Yogi: Be Your Self, Pure Consciousness

by Guru for God
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A practice of Yoga develops your nervous system.

The developed nervous system develops the mind and physiology.

Maharishi teaches that developing your nervous system can develop Enlightenment, where you hold two states of Consciousness at the same time.

He teaches, however, that there is a faster way to develop Enlightenment:

Meditate and transcend the relative field.

Experience Pure Consciousness, your Self.

The most effective way to practice Yoga is with a Hatha Practice.

Go deeply within a pose and hold it for five to ten seconds.

Do the pose in a way where you, with your particular physiology, get the most opening.

Open the energetic channels of your physiology.

Your body is a projection of your mind.

Bring your mind to where you feel the opening in your physiology, where you feel the stretch.

Drop all efforts and look with your mind at the opening, that stretch, for five to ten seconds.

Be in that pose.

Allow your structure to open and change to a better line up of energy channels.

Practice Yoga with at least four different poses in this order:

A side bend.

A back bend.

A spinal twist.

And a forward bend.

Practice these four poses with your mind and physiology before your practice of Meditation.

The deeper meaning of what it is to be a Yogi in all its majesty is developed with your Meditation practice that transcends the relative field.

Experience your Self, Pure Consciousness.

The Sanskrit word Yoga is union:

Union of the individual with Divine Being.

This is accomplished with your Meditation practice.

Unify yourself with your Self, Divine Being.

This is the real benefit of being a Yogi:

Union with Divine Being.

You hold two states of Consciousness simultaneously:

Divine Being and consciousness of the relative field: waking, dreaming or sleeping .

This is the first stage of Enlightenment:

Be a Yogi.

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