To Get What You Want in Life, Be in That Interface of Mind and Consciousness

by Guru for God
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Be in that interface of mind and Consciousness to get what you want in life.

When you transcend the relative field in your Meditation Practice, you transcend your mind and all your thoughts.

Your Self, Pure Consciousness, is left by ItSelf to experience ItSelf.

There is no experience of the relative field.

There is only Self referral Consciousness, aware of ItSelf.

Pure Consciousness, your Self, is the source of the relative field, the source of all of Creation.

During the process of Meditation, the thoughts of your mind become more and more subtle .

Just before transcending, your mind experiences its most subtle thought, its faintest level of feeling.

This is the interface of mind and Consciousness: the faintest level of feeling.

A developed Meditation Practice cultivates your ability to be in this faintest level of feeling , to be in this interface of mind and Consciousness.

When you want something, desire it from your faintest level of feeling.

You receive the support of Natural Law to fulfill your desire.

Your powerful thought in this interface leads to a powerful action to accomplish your desire.

This is the most effective way to get what you want in life.

Develop your Meditation Practice.

Be in that interface of mind and Consciousness.

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