To Know God One Must Live God.

by Guru for God
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There are many of you who want to know the Lord;
Who have practices of devotion and service to God.
If your acts of devotion and service remain in the relative field, here in the Created world, with the thoughts of your mind and the actions of your physiology, then you cannot know God.
Your thoughts and your actions cannot reach God.
They are covered by all the activity here in the relative field.
What is the way to know God and to serve God
To know God, one must realize God.
One must realize God in the field of the Transcendent.
A Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field allows you to realize God;
To experience your Self left by ItSelf, referring to ItSelf;
Your Self That is Divine Being;
That is your essential nature;
That is Universal God.
To know God is to realize God in the Transcendent.
When you return to your experience of the relative field, with the consciousness of waking, sleeping or dreaming, your activity in the relative field stabilizes the infusion of Divine Being in your Meditation Practice.
The repeated infusion of Divine Being in your Meditation Practice so transforms your mind and physiology that they rise to That status of Divine Being;
They rise to That status of Universal God.
Consciousness of Divine Being remains always alongside consciousness of the relative field.
Now you know God.
You live God here in the world.
Naturally devotion to the Lord grows.
Love for the Lord grows.
Your mind is satisfied with the understanding of knowing God;
Your heart is satisfied with the experience of knowing God.
Do your Meditation Practice regularly.
Experience Divine Being, your Self, That is Universal God.
Rise to That status of your own Self.
Rise to That status of Universal God.
Know God and live God.

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