Transcending in Your Meditation Practice Is Union with Universal God

by Guru for God
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To transcend means to go beyond.
In the context of a Meditation Practice, to transcend means to go beyond the relative field;
To go beyond the Universe we live in;
To go beyond the infinities of possible universes.
Our Universe, the world that we live in, this is the relative field.
The relative field is always changing;
It is bounded by space, time and causation;
It is of phenomenal appearances.
We experience the relative field with the consciousness of waking, dreaming or sleeping.
When you have a technique that allows you to transcend the relative field,
Then the experience is of Pure Consciousness;
Pure Consciousness That is the Field of the Absolute.
That Field of the Absolute That is beyond the relative field, is never changing;
It is bound-less;
It is unmanifest and eternal.
That Field of the Absolute, Pure Consciousness, is experienced by the Self.
The Self reveals ItSelf to ItSelf by ItSelf.
This is your Self, Pure Consciousness.
Your Self is Universal God.
When you transcend in your Meditation Practice, you are in Union with Universal God;
In Union with Divine Being.
That is your Self:
Pure Consciousness, Divine Being, Universal God.
Every time you transcend in your Meditation Practice, you are in Union with Universal God.
In time, with repeated and regular transcending in your Meditation Practice, you are in Union with Universal God always;
Even when you experience the relative field with the consciousness of waking, dreaming or sleeping.
Your mind is so transformed by regular transcending, it is capable of holding two states of Consciousness simultaneously:
Pure Consciousness, the Consciousness of Self, alongside the consciousness of the relative field.
Now, here in your life in the world, you live God.
You live the permanent Union with Universal God.

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