Union with God in Higher States of Consciousness Is Gained with Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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Union with God is available to anyone with a Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field.
The relative field, the world that we live in, is constantly changing.
It is a field of great diversity;
A field of the pairs of opposites;
A manifest field of incessant activity.
It is bounded by space, time and causation.
When you have a Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field, that transcends the consciousness of waking, dreaming or sleeping, then you are left by your Self to experience your Self by ItSelf.
Your Self is Divine Being;
It is Universal God;
It is the field of Unity;
The field That never changes;
The field That is Absolute, unmanifest, unbounded and ever the same.
When you transcend in your Meditation Practice, you gain Union with That field of Universal God.
Union with Universal God is the experience of the Transcendent.
It is the first Higher State of Consciousness.
In your Meditation Practice, Union with God alternates with the experience of the relative field.
This alternating of the experience of Union with God with the experience of the relative field infuses your mind with Divine Being.
Eventually your mind and your physiology are so transformed by the repeated and regular transcending in your Meditation Practice, that your mind rises to That status of Universal God.
Now Union with God is permanent.
Union with God is the experience here in the relative field along with and separate from the consciousness of waking, dreaming or sleeping.
This is the first stage of Enlightenment.
The Union with God continues to develop as devotion grows and love is cultured in your heart for your Personal God.
Your Personal God might be Krishna, or Buddha, or Christ, or any fully realized human being.
The practice of devotion to your Personal God naturally develops and grows, culminating in Union with your Personal God in God Consciousness.
In this blessed Union, the Consciousness of Divine Being and the consciousness of the relative field that were maintained separately and simultaneously in the first stage of Enlightenment, unify in one Consciousness of God alone.
You gain Union with your Personal God;
All your experience is the experience of God;
God Who presides over both the Absolute and the relative fields, unifying them;
God Who is everywhere and everything.
Now you live the light of God throughout your daily life.
All your thoughts, your feelings and your perceptions are of the finest Celestial value as you enjoy your Personal God manifest as Creation.
Union with Divine Being, with Universal God, is available to anyone with a Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field.
Maharishi teaches that That Union just continues on Its own to develop into the permanent Union with Universal God in the State of Enlightenment;
and then finally into the Union with your Personal God in God Consciousness.

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