Unity Consciousness Is Defined Differently in Different Practices

by Guru for God
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In the practice of Advaita, Unity Consciousness is the Consciousness of Being as the only reality.

The relative field and all of Creation is Maya:

That which is not.

In Advaita, Unity Consciousness is the Consciousness of the unity of Being as all that there is.

Maharishi teaches that Unity Consciousness defined by Advaita is the first stage of Enlightenment:

One knows oneself as separate from the relative field;

One knows oneself as Being, as the Self;

One knows that Being is the essential constituent of the relative field .

In Maharishi’s teaching, there are two realities of life:

The relative and the Absolute.

Being Enlightened is being established in the Absolute, established in Divine Being.

When Enlightened, the Consciousness of Being is held simultaneously with consciousness of the relative field.

When the body is dropped, there is no returning as a human being.

This first stage of Enlightenment naturally transforms into the second stage of Enlightenment:

God Consciousness.

Now the relative field and the field of Being are unified in the Consciousness of the Lord.

The awareness is of God alone.

God Consciousness naturally evolves to Brahmi Chetana, Unity Consciousness, the third stage of Enlightenment.

Maharishi describes Brahmi Chetana as a subtle shift in the relationship of the devotee with the Lord.

Anyone in Brahmi Chetana is no longer any one.

The Knower of Brahm is Brahm.

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