Universal God and Personal God Realized with Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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Universal God, or Divine Being, is the experience when you transcend in your meditation practice.

Divine Being, your Self, is the experience of universal God.

Coming out of the Transcendent, you bring this experience of God into your life here in the relative field.

Repeated transcending in your meditation practice transforms your mind, physiology and nervous system such that eventually you can hold two states of Consciousness at the same time: the Consciousness of universal God and waking, dreaming or sleeping.

This is the first stage of Enlightenment.

Enlightenment naturally develops a desire for union with the Lord in God Consciousness, union with the personal God.

God Consciousness is the second stage of Enlightenment.

This union with the Lord unifies your Self,

that was separate from the relative field in the first stage of Enlightenment, with all of creation.

Awareness of Self and awareness of the relative field become awareness of God alone, your personal God.

Your personal God is the Lord made manifest as a human being: Krishna, Buddha, Christ....

Your perceptions of the world are of the most subtle, celestial values.

Your heart is cultured and overflowing with love.

Your experience is of God alone, as everywhere and everything .

This is our purpose as human beings:

To rise to that level of God Consciousness.

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