Universal God Is the Root of All Religion

by Guru for God
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Universal God is Divine Being That is your Self.
The relative world that we live in is a world that is ever changing, unbounded and of phenomenal appearances.
The origin of the relative field is the Field of the Absolute;
The Field That is never changing, unmanifest and unbounded.
That Absolute Field is the Field of Divine Being;
The Field of Universal God That is your Self.
Through the Laws of Nature, That Field of Divine Being manifests as all of Creation.
Universal God is the root of all religion.
Universal God takes the form of Personal God to peoples in different times and places throughout the history of human beings in the world.
Universal God might take the form of Krishna, or Christ, or Buddha, or the prophet Muhammad.
The root of all these religions is the same:
Universal God .
To worship God as They should be worshipped, one must uncover one’s Self.
This is accomplished with a Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field;
That transcends the world that we live in.
Then the experience is of Self;
Of Divine Being;
Of Universal God.
This is Union with Universal God.
Then one returns to the experience of the relative field;
To the consciousness of waking, dreaming or sleeping.
That experience of Pure Consciousness in your Meditation Practice comes back with you.
It transforms you;
And transforms your experience of the world.
In time, you become established in your Self;
Established in Universal God;
Union with Universal God is now permanent.
Your Self is uncovered and the Lord receives your devotion, your service and your love.

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