What Is Enlightenment? Enlightenment Is Knowing Who You Are

by Guru for God
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What is Enlightenment?
Maharishi teaches that Enlightenment is knowing who you are;
Knowing your Self.
He teaches there are two Realities of Life.
There is the world we live in, the created world, that is the relative field with its infinities of Universes.
The relative field is always changing, of phenomenal appearances and bounded by space, time and causation.
We experience the relative field with the consciousness of waking, dreaming or sleeping.
Our idea of who we are might be our name or family, or perhaps the work we do.
These are limited and incomplete definitions of who we are.
There is another Reality of life That is never changing, unlimited Pure Consciousness.
It is the Field of the Absolute, of absolute intelligence, energy, creativity and bliss.
That Absolute Field of Pure Consciousness is your Self.
It is your essential nature.
It is the essential nature of all the created world, of the infinities of Universes of the relative field.
But It is hidden by all the activity here in the world.
We are so busy experiencing the activity of the relative field with the consciousness of the relative field, that who we are, our Self, is covered or hidden.
To uncover Pure Consciousness, you need a Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field;
That goes beyond the relative field:
When conscious mind becomes Consciousness.
Regular and repeated experience of Pure Consciousness in your Meditation Practice cultures your mind and your physiology.
In time, you can hold two states of Consciousness simultaneously:
Consciousness of Self That is unshakable and permanent, alongside the consciousness of the relative field.
You are established in your Self.
You know your Self to be completely separate from all the activity of the relative field.
You know who you are:
Pure Consciousness.
This is Enlightenment.
Regular and repeated experience of your Self in your Meditation Practice and understanding Maharishi’s teaching about the Self in time lead to Enlightenment.
Know Who you are:
Pure Consciousness, unlimited intelligence, power and energy.

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