What Is the Purpose of Meditation? Evolution to Higher States of Consciousness

by Guru for God
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There are many different reasons that people meditate;

And there are many benefits of a Meditation Practice.

Meditation can bring some peacefulness and some relaxation.

Studies show that Meditation is beneficial to your health.

It can lower blood pressure and decrease cardiovascular disease.

Meditating regularly can help you make better, more life supporting choices.

There are , however, more fundamental reasons to develop your Meditation Practice.

Maharishi teaches that meditating with a proper mantra allows your mind to settle down with finer and finer thoughts until all thought is transcended;

Your mind is transcended;

The entire relative field is transcended.

Your essential nature that is Pure Consciousness, that is Divine Being, is left by ItSelf to experience ItSelf.

Experience of Divine Being, your Self, is the first Higher State of Consciousness.

Divine Being is the source of your mind, your physiology and of all the relative field.

The more you transcend in your Meditation Practice, the more Divine Being is experienced.

Experience of Divine Being, your Self, transforms your mind and your physiology.

It allows evolution to other Higher States of Consciousness.

Eventually your mind becomes established in Divine Being.

You are able to hold two states of Consciousness at the same time:

Consciousness of Self, of Divine Being, along with consciousness of the relative field.

This is the first stage of Enlightenment.

The fundamental purpose of a Meditation Practice is to gain evolution to Enlightenment:

Where life is lived in harmony and accord with all the Laws of Nature;

Where Natural Law supports the fulfillment of your desires;

Where all your actions are spontaneous, right actions that further your evolution and the evolution of all of Creation.

If you want a better world and a better life for yourself, develop that Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field;

Be your Self;

Experience Divine Being;

Radiate That out into the Universe.

Gain evolution to Higher States of Consciousness.

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